You Lied! You Left me like the rest!

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She looked at me with wicked eyes. They were a shade of green, dark green, not her original blue. Her jaw was clenched, and pure irritation crossed her face. Silence rang throughout the room. Only the sound constant  breathing was left.

"Kasey I,"

"Shut up!" she snapped.

Damn is she hot when she's pissed...

"Love hear me out please" I begged, my confidence decreasing.

"What is there to explain Harry! You lied! You left me like the rest." He cheeks are red with anger.

"They kicked me out. I stayed as long as I could. Hell! I didn't even go home! I sat outside the building sleeping in my god damn car!" I screamed the truth.

Her eyes softened.

"You're lying" She said, looking ashamed.

"No, I'm not. I stayed, just like I promised." Her head dropped to the ground, and she covered her face with her hands.

"I'm...sorry" She mumbled.

I walked over and sat next to her on the small bed.

"Its alright love" I sighed, picking up her small feminine chin with my hand.

"I feel like an idiot" She whispered and pulled me into a hug.

A. Hug.

I put my hand on the back of her head still shocked that she is hugging me.

"I can see why that boy loved you now" I said, realizing I let my thoughts escape my lips.

She looked up at me surprised.

"What do you mean?" She asked cautiously pulling herself away.

"I mean, besides all the sass, you're a very kind hearted woman."

Stop Harold.

"You thought I was a bitch?" Kasey snapped offended.

"No no! that's not what I meant. I meant that-"

"That what! that I'm Crazy? hah, you thought I was some phycotic Bitch?" Her tone harshened.

"That I love you!" i screamed.

She stared at me, obviously as shocked as I to hear those words escape my mouth. Then, she started...laughing?

"You have got to be kidding me!" she giggled and an evil grin appeared on her face.

I really hate this...evil side of her. I'm speechless.

"You really do don't you?" She laughed Harder rising from the bed.

I'm tong tied. I can't speak.

"Oh my god" Followed by another laugh, she continued. "How in the hell did I manage to get You, to like me!?"

Her tone brings chills to my spine. Its like I'm in one of those movies with a...phyco killer to be honest with you. Her voice has this, raspy tone to it.

"Yes" my voice squeaked.

"Pardon me?" she smiled.

"I'm in love with you"

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