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I walked in to see her and ashleigh sitting on the bed. I can't help myself but be curious as to why she didn't want to get that shot. Maybe its a phobia, but I know it was a look of fear. That's all I could come to. "Hello Mr Styles" Ashleigh gave me a warm smile and stood up. "She's all yours" The girl smiled then turned back towards Kasey. "I'll be in here soon with lunch"  Ashleigh smiled once more then walked out,leaving me with her. Then complete silence. She just sat there,on her bed with her knees to her chin and her arms crossed on top of them. I sat down,on the other side of the room,where her and I sat yesterday. It seems so long ago. " so...How...are you doing" She mumbled breaking the silence. "Tired" I smiled at the thought,that she actually just talked to me. "You?" I continued...But there was no answer. "Why...are you tired?" she said almost in a whisper a couple minutes later. "Well,someone was on my mind" I answered honestly. "oh,let me guess your girlfriend" she sighed and leaned her head on the wall. "No,I don't have one. My bed was never really made for two. I've had off and on relationships,and if I do have a girlfriend its not for long" I can't believe how honest I'm being with her...and I'm actually believe it or not pretty comfortable with it. "Oh" was all she said. I felt her eyes connect with mine,but then she quickly looked away and her cheeks started to redden. "Kasey...can I ask you a question?" I asked. She lifted her head up that was on her knees and laid down on the bed. She put her arms under her head and crossed her legs. "I guess" She sighed and closed her eyes. How can I put this? "Why...don't you take your medication?" I asked hoping to not offend her. "Mr. Styles,why don't you bite me?" She mocked my tone and tilted her head in my direction. I should have known I shouldn't have said that.. or at least in those words. "Well there goes my chance to actually have a conversation with you,without you being quite rude towards me" I sighed as she rolled her eyes. I always find myself looking at them. Its her I always find myself looking at. Its her I'm aways thinking about. Its her who I'm interested in. Its just her. "Should have thought of that before you asked the question then" You could hear the humor in her voice as she sat up and faced me. "Here,let me ask another question, why are you so rude to me?" I chuckled waiting for her response. "I'm not rude,its called sass" I saw a small smile peck at her lips,but then she frowned and tried to hide it. "I think its called Your being a pain in My ass" I mocked her previous tone. "Well Mr Styles,you should watch your language there is a lady present" she said then stuck her nose in the air. "Launguge, love have you heard yourself talk?" I laughed as she turned her head towards me in surprise. "Oh well we got a bad ass over here" She said in a mocking voice then giggled. She giggled. Her face lit up and her nose scrunched as she did it. Her eyes squinted and formed little wrinkles as she did so. Her teeth showed through her smile,and it was the best sound I've ever heard. But that soon ended when she caught herself. Her lips formed back into a frown,and she took her eyes off me. "What's a matter love?" I said as I got up and walked over to her bed. "Nothing" she mumbled and looked down at the mattress,Her hair covering the sides of her face. "You were laughing and smiling a minute ago,why the sudden chance,surly there must be something wrong" I said,taking my hand and pushing the hair behind her ear. Shocked, she looked up at me,right into my eyes,but then looked away. "You have pretty eyes...has anyone told you that?" I asked with a smile hoping she'd return one,but she didn't. "Yeah...a long long time ago" she sighed and leaned up against the wall again. This time I joined her. "I'm always sorta hypnotized by them,so I suppose that's why you see me look into then quite often" I continued breaking the silence. "Oh...I just thought you were a creep" She said as she looked up at the white covered ceiling. I chuckled at her remark,then stayed quiet.

"Please...talk to me" I said what seemed like hours later sense the last time I spoke. "I can't take the silence,it really fucks me up". "Oh...sorry" His lips spoke. Then he continued. "What do you do when I'm not here...if you hate the silence?" I tuned my head to see him looking at me. His hands intertwined with each other. "Well sometimes, you can here the others scream...of they're really loud like me. And once you've been in silence for so long,you can hear just about anything. But other then that,sometimes I'll sing to myself...or Even talk to myself. Here I'm my only friend" I finished. He nodded his head like he understood. He'd be the first,but its probably an act anyway. "I'm your friend aren't I?" he asked,his green eyes staring into mine. "No,your they guy who gets payed to talk to my crazy ass" I sighed and bit my lip. His voice is amazing. "funny,no I don't get payed to talk to you" Harry spoke. "In fact,I don't think your that crazy. Your a different kind of crazy. A hurt and damaged crazy. Not like the others I've experienced. You know how to play with the mind. The others just rample on about different things and scream every chance they get. Your like a riddle to me" he continued. I was about to speak,when I was interrupted by the opening of the door. It was ashleigh bringing in lunch. In the corner of my eye,I saw harry look at his watch. I glanced over and tried to read the small clock on his wrist. Its two. "Wow,we've been talking for a while haven't we?" He smiled as ashleigh handed me mashed potatoes,corn and some kind of roast. If I ever get out of here,remind me NOT to eat mashed potatoes" I giggled and looked towards the curly haired man next to me. I looked back to ashleigh to see her mouth practically on the floor. If I was in her shoes,I probably would to considering that I haven't laughed or smiled at all sense I've been here. "I'll be back...in a little bit to pick up your tray" Her eyes held a puzzled look as she walked out of the room. I pushed my tray to the corner of the bed and looked back at harry. "Aren't you gonna eat?" he asked with a puzzled expression on his face. "Yeah,when you leave".  "Love,I don't mind" For some odd reason,when he calls me "love" I feel this weird tingly feeling in my stomach." I'd rather not while your here" I answered. "Is this all you eat,is mashed potatoes and some weird meat every day?" he asked looking at the plate. "The mashed potatoes are every day. but they'll give different food throughout the week. Nothing good though. they'll also mix up the vegetables too" I replied. He frowned. "No tacos?" He questioned making me giggle. "No,I can't even remember the last time i had one. I used to LOVE and I mean LOVE tacos" Harry's jaw dropped. You could tell he was shocked...or something like that. "Tacos are my favorite food" he mumbled and looked at the floor. "They were mine to,but nothing can top mashed potatoes" i sarcastically said then laughed. Then He smiled,showing his white teeth. See,I knew his smile was perfect. "Your laughs adorable" Harry smiled again,this time,my eyes were attached to his dimples. "Thanks" I could feel my cheeks burn. Nobody has said to me in a while...Wow...I just realized, I don't even know how long I've been in here. "Harry,what year is it?" I asked taking my eyes off his dimples and on to the floor. "2022" he answered. "The month?" I continued. "May 11th 2022" He replied. "I'm 22" I mumbled and looked up the the ceiling.

I'm twenty-two...its been eight years...I've been here

My thoughts took over my head,sending me into deep thought. "Its been a long time hasn't it?" He sighed. I could feel him move,but I didn't bother to look. "Its been eight years,and I never knew when it was my birthday" I whispered. I began to feel the tears prick at my eyes. Has it really been that long?

I can't believe this poor girl didn't know how old she is. I feel so...lucky. So lucky that I didn't have to spend eight years of my life in here. Just being in this room,this silent white room would drive me nuts. "Kasey I'm sorry" I quietly said running my fingers through my hair. "Don't be,I'm the one who's fucked up,I'm the one who's insane." Her voice cracked,signaling that she was about to cry. "Go Harry....please leave" She whispered,and I can't bring myself to say no. "Goodbye love" I whispered,and gave her a small peck on the cheek while she squeezed her eyes shut. I can tell she doesn't want me to see her cry. To show her the delicate side of herself to me,She doesn't want me to know her weaknesses. I turned around hit the button and waited for someone to open the door. Soon,ashleigh came,and let me out. I walked down the long white hallway by myself,trying to force Kasey smile upon my memory. When I got to the door just before the entrance,I typed in the code the nurse at the front desk gave me and opened the door. Still at the front desk,was that lady that gave me the code,and just before I walked out of the door,she called my name. "Mr. Styles" I turned around and was greeted by her brown eyes again. They were nothing like Kasey's at all. Damn,why can't I stop thinking about her?

"Yes?" I asked as I walked closer to the desk. "She'll get into your mind,She'll find and squeeze her way in until she drives you mad. First she'll find a way to hypnotise you,Then she'll make you feel sorry for her. She'll make you think about her once,and then more often. Soon you'll find yourself thinking about her every moment of every day. You'll obsess over her she'll consume your every thought. So I warn you..its only a matter of time,until she drives you completely mad". Why is she telling me this? And will she stop using "Her"? "Kasey is a person too,I'd rather you not use "Her" she has a name  and thanks for the warning ma'am, But I don't think I'll be needing it" I answered honestly and walked out the door. For some reason,I'm frustrated. How could someone say that about a person,when I guarantee she doesn't know shit bout Kasey! nothing but what she's been told,what she is to believe. If only they saw her laugh today,its only been two days,and I see a damn well improvement. If only they saw her smile.

she is taking over your every thought,Harold.

My subconscious adds,but i push it to the back of my head. I'm sure that lady is just saying shit. She won't drive me mad,she won't drive me crazy. I finally get to my car and unlock it. Once I get in,I start the engine and drive back to my flat trying to push her out of my head but it seems useless.

Maybe she will drive me mad

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