"Mr. Styles" she mumbled

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The faint ring of my alarm clock wakes me up as I realize I'm on the couch. Its a damn good thing I set this alarm yesterday or I'd be late to the institution. I roll off of the couch,and walk into my room to shut off the clock that has been annoying me for the passed five minutes. I dress up in a white tee and black skinny jeans. I see my green eyes stare at me in the mirror as i fix my messed up hair. Brushing it with my fingers,i give it a little tease. I take my tooth brush an brush my teeth to get rid of the morning breath. I cant help but travel to my thoughts of last night. This girl cant be that bad can she?

Ashleigh's P.O.V

Again I spend my days in this damn institution. After a while it gets pretty boring. But I can't imagine how everyone in this building who can't go home at the end of a days work feels. My everyday thoughts Circle around my head as I prepare breakfast for the patients,well my patients. There's not even much to eat here...I actually feel really bad for the people who spend countless days and years in those little rooms. I walk down the hallway To room 44 B,and walk in with the tray of food. There he is, The most beautiful man in the world sitting against the wall. The one and only Justin Bieber. "Justin honey,Your foods here" I whisper and close the door behind me. "You shouldn't be in here ash, I'm crazy" He mumbles in his hands. "Justin your not crazy" I say and step towards him. I sit against the wall,and lay my hand gently on his back. "You really think so?" He asked me. His brown bloodshot eyes looking up into mine. "I do" I smiled and kissed his forehead. "Now eat okay?" I smiled handing him the plate for food. My subconscious tells me to get up,but my heart tells me to stay. Despite my heart,I get up. "Stay! please" He whispered grabbing my arm. His touch sent electric pulses through my body. "But Justin I have to-" I started before he stood up and looked me straight in the eyes. He's eyes are like chocolate velvet,and i melt at the sight of them. "I know, Her. but please Ashleigh stay..for a little while"

"This must be the institution" i said to myself as i ran my fingers through my hair. It doesn't look that big,but i am certain inside is. I walk i through the door,and immediately i get glares shot at me. "You must me Mr. Styles" The lady at the counter stated. Her brown eyes seem to be filled with..fear...or something of that matter. "I am...I'm here to work with a pat-" i began but was interrupted by the woman picking up the phone. "He's here...for Her". There was no emotion in her voice. She gave me one more look before another lady came out to greet me. "I'm Ashleigh" She smiled. Her long blonde hair that was pulled up into a ponytail and her eyes sparkled. Once again her calm voice spoke. "This way" She said in a quieter tone and tuned away from me. She opened a door with a code,to be honest i wasn't really paying attention. My thoughts were rapping around my head like a nuse tied around a neck,and it was tightening. I'm so curious about this woman,that she's filling my head. The door opened and we started to walk down a completely white hallway. You'd expect for an all write hallway to be more cheerful,but really it wasn't. It was more depressing if anything. If it weren't for our footsteps this hallway would be so silent you could hear a pin drop. "It looks smaller outside" I heard my voice echo within the walls. "Yeah,its much more depressing when your inside isn't it" ashleigh almost whispered. But in this hallway,even a whisper would be loud. "So,did they assign you to Kasey or?" Ashleigh said after a moment of silence. Damn this hallways long,it seems like its going on forever. "In a way i picked her. And you'd be the first to actually use her name around here" i answered Truefully. "I don't treat her like a monster like the others Mr. styles" The blonde kind of snapped.

"I don't either,she's just hurt yeah?" She stopped and turned around. "If you think she's just hurt then you don't know anything yet" Ashleigh's brown eyes seemed to darken and her cheek bones tightened. She turned around and continued to walk. As we went further down i realized letters on the walls. Then we reached H. "She's just a little farther" Ashleigh signed. Something was wrong. This wasn't a normal sigh,it was more of a sympathic sigh. we reached a door labeled "Hinken, H69"

I chuckled at the number until ashleigh snapped her head back and gave me an annoyed glare. Surely she was aware of my immaturity. "Why they chose you I'll never have a clue" ashleigh sighed and typed a pin number into the number pad on the door. It beeped and she quietly opened the door. We walked into the room,and leaning against the wall,was a girl with her elbows in her knees and her hands covering her face. I looked at her,then ashleigh and bit my lip. Why now,of all of the patients I've worked with,am i feeling mixed emotions...all involving Sorrow.

Kasey's P.O.V

I heard the door open. Its ashleigh. Some how,i can feel her presence. Someone else is here to. The breath pattern is different. I peaked out of my hands and saw his brown boots. His black skinny jeans, his perfect legs,leading up to his thighs. I couldn't stop,i had to look. I lifted my head,and saw the tattoos that peaked out of his white tee shirt,his biceps that had a light tan,and more black ink. Next,came his cheek bones. They were a perfect shape,surely he had a great smile. But,when it came to his eyes,i couldn't bare to look away. His green ones,connected with my blues and some force was not letting me pull away. "Kasey honey, this is-" She started,but i never looked away from the man standing in front of me. "Mr Styles" i mumbled and finally my eyes were let free. They travel back down his body and back to the white padded floor. "Good luck" i heard ashleigh whisper,and a sigh fallowed after it. She gave me a glance just before walking out of the door.

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