Mind Games

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I ran out of his room pushing through anyone in my way. I ran out the the parking lot of the institution and fell to my feet. I sobbed as i leaned up against my car. "Ashleigh!" someone screamed with heavy breath and ran up to me. It was harry. "What do you want" i sniffled and covered my eyes. "What happened love?"

"if you're trying to charm me check yourself because im not your little psychotic bitch." i screamed refering to kasey. "Woah i was just asking what was wrong you dont have to get pissy with me. When i see any female crying i try my best to cheer them up but quite frankly, its not good enough is it?" he snapped. Meanwhile i stayed silent realizing he was right. "Look" he said scratching his head "Forgive me, i think we've both had a rough night." Then, he sat down next to me on the cold cement. "what happened to you?"  i asked as the tears dried. "Well, im not exactly sure to be honest. But, the girl ive fell in love with doesnt love me. Not to mention, shes also crazy and playing mind games with me." i could tell by his voice he was upset. "Welcome to my world. Um, a patient and i had a thing, and he basically said the same thing." i sniffled once more before continuing. "Im sorry i snapped". "Dont worry doll, its not your fault. Its been a long day for the two of us. "Speaking of, styles, im really fucking tired and-" within a second it started pouring rain and a crash of thunder sounded the air. "I should probably get home" i said agitated reaching for me keys to unlock my car. "Yeah" He sighed. His curly locks straightened into a wet mess and as he shook his head like a dog, water came spilling out. "Goodnight Ashleigh" he said and waved as i got in my car and started the engine. "Bye harry, and thanks" then leaving the soaked boy in the parking lot, i drove off. The car was quiet, the radio off, the windows shut, only the constent  tap of the pooring rain remained as my thoughts traveled back. I could feel my make up smearing. I can't believe he'd say that to me. My whole entire life ive been fucking nothing to anyone. I thought he was different. Hell even, her, a fucking freak of nature has someone. I stop to think about where my mind just rudely traveled to. In my mind, i knew that wasnt right to say, but its right. Maybe its just me. Maybe its just here. By the time the light changed, i made up my mind. Its time to leave this town. The tears still slide down my face as i remember everything that happened. A couple more lights and I pull into my driveway after turning down a narrow street. The rain continued to pour as i ran inside the apartment. I took one last look and started to pack up my things. I didnt have much. Only about three box fulls. After making three trips my car is my home and i head off to somewhere new. I pull out of the apparent parking lot and say my last goodbye. Taking the outskirts of town, i head to the freeway. More tears slipped from my eyes and my hands began to shake. I couldnt breathe. It was like everything hit me at once. I felt the weel tug at my hand and bright lights shinning through the window.

Then it went black

I woke up sweating to the recent image of her glowing blue eyes. The words she said echoed in my mind. She had to feel something...

I got out of bed, put on clothes and headed to the institution, not just because of kasey, but because Ashleigh as well.

Traffic was crazy. Cars lined up everywhere and as i sat there in the silence of my car, an ambulance passed. The thoughts of what was happening in the area faded as the traffic began to move. Finally after about a 30 minute drive to a place that usually took 10 to 15, i made it to the institution.

Amedently, as i got out of the car a doctor and three other nurses rushed a gurny with a body on it into the ambulance.

I quickly i got through the doors which the patients were and headed to kaseys room. My blood pressure rose as i ran down the hallway to her room. I was somewhat relieved to walk into her laughing. But not just any type of laugh it was Uncontrollably. It was a laughter of pure hate.

"Kasey" i cautiously said as i creeped up on the girl in the corner. "They're both dead" she laughed and smiled.

"Who exactly" i asked feeling uneasy. Progress was well up until this past week. "Ashleigh. Justin as well. Little ass fuck hung himself last night after finding out Ashleigh was in a terrible car accident. He deserves it. Hah." she said then started laughing again. "How is this funny to you!?" I asked in pure disgust worrying about Ashleigh. "Because it is styles. First you say you're in love with me, Ashleigh and justin get into a fight and she runs away crying to her death. Meanwhile as romeo worried about his juliet i watched the light just flicker out of his eyes. Like a burning candle light." she laughed again. "You're fucking crazy" i snapped as she rose. "I thought we decided  this harold.

Its. Not. Me."

Within an instant i pushed the crazy bitch up against the wall. My heartbeat rose as my grip stayed firm around her wrists.

"Kinky" she hissed in amusement.

I felt my nose flar in anger.

"Remember the first time you held me up against the wall like this styles?" she asked with a wicked smile. I looked into her eyes then watched her lips curl. She leaned in and took my bottom lip between her teeth.

"Fuck" i mumbled as my eyes widdened and my hands loosened their grip.

Why does she have to be hot.
Why does she have to be crazy.

"Aww i thought you'd enjoy that harry" she giggled evily and slightly bit her lip. "Why are you playing these mind games with me?" i asked taking a deep breath recollecting myself and my emotions.

"Mind games? What mind games? Cant a girl just have a little fun" she replied leaning towards me and licked her lips. "You say you dont love me then you try to seduce me, and you know its working. What do you want from me kasey!?" i screamed tightening my grip around her wrists. "Admit im not real" she giggled in a whisper. "And why would i do that?" i asked. Shes not making any sense.

"Say it harry,

Im. Not. Real.

"WHAT THE FUCK KASEY!" i screamed pinning her against the wall rougher.

"Oh rougher harry" she moaned sarcasticly then laughed again. "Im done with your fucking bullshit" i yelled and let go of her. I started walking to the door when i felt a sharp pain to my side.  I looked down and noticed a syringe jabbed into my side. The same syringe that put her to sleep. "Im sorry harry" She whispered. For a brief moment for some reason her face blurred to Ashleighs then my sight faded.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2015 ⏰

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