Im all in your mind Harry, Don't you realize that?

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"Pathetic. Who could love me!? I couldn't even keep one!" Kasey snickered.

"I could." I said firmly.

"I've always been one for the crazy bitches i guess"

Her eyes, those Hypnotic eyes peer into mine. God damnitt.

She walked over to me, and grabbed the collar of my black tee. She brought her lips to my ear.

"Oh but baby, I'm not crazy, that one is for you to decide"

Her words sent goosebumps down my spine. Oddly enough, this...evil wicked Kasey was turning me on.

" You think I'm crazy for loving you?" My words escape my mouth.

"Yeah. They all say that. They're all like " Kasey, I'm in love with you" or

"I can get you out of here" or "our love will never die as long as you take my hand" Pathetic. Especially the last one" she stopped to laugh.

"got myself a poet there!" she continued.

I stayed quiet, I don't know what to say.

"You know what, now that I think of it, you're not the only one who's claimed to, what's the word? Love me. What do you think it is Harold? that makes you so" she sat on my lap and brung herself close to me ear once more. "So, into me should we say? I think its my eyes" She turns my head to look at her, her pink lips not even centimeters away from mine. Her lips inched over to mine, making my mind process the thought whether to close the gap between us or not. "They've been known to be so, so Hypnotizing." she whispers.

"They are...all i can think about really."

My words become soft, almost to a whisper.

What is this feeling? I want to kiss her. I long for it.

"Your trying so hard" she whispers getting even more close to me. Her hand lays on my chest as she leans towards me.

"For what?" I feel butterflies in my stomach. I cant say I've ever felt like this before.

"To resist me" She whispered once more. I looked in her eyes to see them change from blue to green.

"This whole Romance you've created" she continued "its all fake. I'm all in your head Harry, Don't you realize that? Only a figment of your imagination. That's all I am. So when you say I'm crazy," She began to laugh. "I know your wrong. Your crazy Harry, I'm not. I'm not even really here"

What is she saying?

"What are you saying?" I asked cleaning my thoughts.

"I don't love you, because I'm not real" She whispered slowly. An evil laugh followed.

I don't love you

The words reply in my head and I have no clue why it hurts so much. She is real. I know it.

My eyes flicker closed as I feel another pair of lips against mine. 

Did she kiss me?

The flame between us ignites.

She has to be real. Why would I feel this way if she wasn't? Why would I be kissing someone from my imagination? Why would it feel real if its not?

A sweet pop sounded when our lips broke apart.

"You are real" my raspy voice said with little breath.

"I can feel it" I reassured myself, and her as well.

"I felt nothing" She whispered, biting her lip.

How could she not? She had to! I felt it! How couldn't she?

"Your fucking with me" I said in a rather harsh tone.

A grin appeared on her face.

"It seems like I am. We both must be a little...Mad here" she wickedly giggled.

My head is spinning. I thought to myself. I'm lost and confused. She's playing games with my mind...and quite frankly, its working.

I get up and my feet carry me to the door.

"Have a good night Harold" She hissed and started rocking back and forth.

Her laughter started picking up as I left the room, my thoughts twisted up as if they were a shirt being rang out, except no water dripping from it.

As I stand in the hallway searching my lost thoughts, I hear heels  clicking down the hall and sobbing noises. At first, I reach for the door handle of Kasey's door thinking it was her, but my eyes caught a girl rushing past me. It was Ashleigh.

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