Part 12

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 I went to bed and when I woke up both Letty and Dom were up. I went over by Dom and he was in deep thought.

"What's the plan, Dom?" I asked.

"We're doing one last job. We're gonna take all of Reyes money. Every dime of it. Then we disappear forever."

"You realize we're talking about going up against the most powerful guy in all of Rio, right?" Letty said.

"Yes we are." Dom said.

"Then we are going to need a team." I added.

"First, we're going to need a chameleon. Someone who can blend in anywhere. Someone who can get out of everything and anything."

"I got that." Letty said. 

"This guy is going to have a lot of surveillance. We're going to need someone who is good with circuits. And with those circuits, Reyes is going to have walls. We're going to need guys who can punch through walls. Utilities and Weapons someone who ain't afraid to throw down. Someone to back up every position."

"I got that. What else?" I asked.

"Most importantly we're going to need two precision drivers that don't crack under pressure and never lose."

"You know we got that." I said with a smile on my face.

"What can I do?" Letty asked.

"We're going to need someone to tell us what to do." We were planning for everything and a week later I went for a drive on my motorcycle to go buy a gun. I got back and Roman and Tej were there. But they didn't realize it was me because I had my helmet on. I took my helmet off and got off the bike.

"Hmm, sexy legs baby girl what time do they open?" Roman said I quickly pulled my gun on him.

"They open the same time I pull this trigger, want me to open them?"

"It's good to see you Lexi."

"You too Roman." I gave Roman and Tej a hug. Roman, Tej, Dom, Han, Letty, Rico, Tego, and I all met up.

"So why did you bring us all the way across the world Dom?" Han asked.

"Because we got a job. Our targets name is Hernan Reyes. And he runs the drug scene down here. He's never been busted because he never leaves a paper trail. No paper trails means no banks. And no banks means cash houses. 50 to be exact. Spread throughout the city. And we're going to hit all of them."

"That sounds crazy. You bring us to a whole other country so we can rob the dude who runs it? I have love for all y'all but personal ain't good business. I can't do this." Roman said walking away.

"So what we are talking about is 500 million dollars." Dom added.

"You say what? 500...see, sometimes I'd be over thinking, man and I know we just met, but-" Roman got interrupted.

"500 million, and whatever we take, we split even." Dom said.

"That's a little over 55 million, I'm down with that." Tej said.

"As soon as we hit the first one, there going to do everything they can to protect the rest." I said.

"Exactly." Dom said. Dom, Tej, Roman, and Han went to go do the first shipment. And Letty and I stayed here.


"What's up Letty?"

"Just wanted to congratulate you. Glad you and Brian are working things out, You're going to make a good mother and Brian will be a great father."

"Yeah, I know. Thank you Letty. I'm going for a drive."

"Be careful."

"Always am Letty." I said smiling. I went on my motorcycle and went for a drive. I went to follow one of Reyes' guys and they stopped so clearly so did I. I looked down at my phone because I got a text message but I seen a shadow right in front of me. It was one of Reyes' guys and they captured me. When I woke up I was strapped in a chair.

"Lexi, I told your brother and boyfriend that I'd find you. You're very beautiful. I'm sorry I captured you but your brother wants to play dirty well two can play at this game."

"You didn't capture me, your men did. So that shows that you don't like to do things yourself, which means you can't take responsibility for yourself."

"After I kill your brother I will kill you." He left and for the past week I have been done here and they would only feed me once a day. Reyes came down and untied me. "Time to go, your brother and some girl have the vault full of money." Letty.

"Where does Dom think I am?"

"Back in L.A." He grabbed my arm and put me in the car. We were chasing Dom and another car that was also attached to the vault. Our car flipped and Reyes started crawling out and once he got out he pointed a gun at Dom. I quickly got out of the car but by the time I got there Brian ended up shooting him. The DEA agent that was going after Dom showed up and it was Luke Hobbs. Hobbs helped me up.

"Hey Hobbs." I said giving him a hug.

"Lexi, how you doing?"

"I'm good besides the point of getting captured. How are you?" I said with a smile.

"Good, you know that I have to take Dominic in right? But, I'm giving him 24 hours to get away. But I will find him."

"I know Luke, and thank you for giving him a window, I appreciate it." 

"How do you two know each other?" Brian asked.

"He's the one who called me in for Miami, and helped me out." Brian and I got in his car and the window was rolled down and Dom was by his car door.

"See you around Toretto." Hobbs said.

"No you won't." Dom got in his car and we all drove off. Brian and I went back to L.A. and Dom well I have no clue where he is right now. Brian is still working for the F.B.I, thanks to Hobbs and I should be giving birth in a day if everything goes good. While I was doing the dishes, my water broke and I called Brian.

"Brian, my water broke."

"I just pulled in the driveway." I went outside and got in the car and Brian drove to the hospital. I gave birth to a baby boy named Jack and he is very healthy. We went home and I put Jack in bed right away. When I walked downstairs the whole downstairs was lit with candles.

"Lexi, will you marry me?"

"Yes." He kissed me. "Brian, you know none of this feels right. The house doesn't feel the same, because Dom's not here."

"I know but Lexi, you know as well as I do if Dom comes I have to take him in."

"I know." 

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