Part 16

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Tej got everything ready and now it's time to go. We were all in our own cars and we all got on a big airplane. The airplane was in the car and we all had our walkie talkies.

"Hey Roman, you freaking out right about now, aren't you?" Tej said through the walkie talkie and we all could hear it.


"Are you sure?"

"I said no."

"Listen man, it takes a grown man to embrace his feelings. If you need to cry, just go ahead and cry. As your friend you know that I am concerned about your well being. Which is why I put some adult diapers in your glove compartment." I smiled and then I grabbed my phone and called Brian because I didn't want anyone to hear our conversation.

"Brian, are you okay?

"Lexi, listen to me. If anything happens to me, I need you to take Jack and move on. You understand. You understand what I am saying?" I took a deep breathe and I closed my eyes.

"I can't do that Brian, no I can't. We're having another baby. It's a little girl. And she's going to need her father, so you need to come home with us." I said starting to tear up about even thinking something bad happening to Brian. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you before. I was scared you'd be disappointed with domestic life. With me."

"You know the best decision I ever made was walking into that shop and buying that first sandwich."

"It was such a bad sandwich." I said laughing a little bit.

"I know I ate a lot of 'em." There was a long pause ¨I love you Lexi."

"Don't do that."


"The way you said it. It's like goodbye. Say something else."

"Okay. Be safe."

"I will." We hung up and I said, "I love you Brian." Looking down at my phone and wiping the tears off of my cheek.

"Could someone just walk me through what we're suppose to be doing?" I heard Roman say through the talkie.

"Come on Rome, this was your plan, you gotta embrace it." I said.

"No this was not my plan." 

"Here we go." Dom said.

"Rome, you need some fresh air? Cause you're going to get a lot of it." Tej said. We all went one by one putting our cars in reverse and falling from an airplane. But Roman did not come down.

"Rome, what's up man, come on talk to me." Brian said through the talkie.

"I can't do it."

"You throw that car in reverse and get your butt down here right now!"

"Look I can't do it, okay? Listen to what I'm saying. Now is not the time. Imma stay up here with the pilot. We're gonna circle around and make sure we're holding them from down here."

"No brother, I'm sorry to let you down." Tej said and I looked at Tej and he pressed a button and Roman's parachute opened up.

"Get ready, ground is coming up fast." Dom told us and warned us. We miss the road we're dead. We landed. "Car check, check it in."

"Check." We all said besides Roman he was stuck in the trees and I smiled at that. I still don't know who we were after. Everybody knows but me. We got Ramsey and Brian was still on the bus.

"Letty, I need you to get me closer to the bus." I say

"Okay." I unbuckled and I got out of my car and got on the hood and jumped on the bus. I helped Brian beat up the guys and Brian told Ramsey to jump on Dom's car and she did. Brian jumped on Letty's and right when I was about to jump a guy came and pulled me back and he tried shooting me and I dodged the bullet but it hit the driver. And the bus went sideways and sliding and it was still moving. The guy locked me in and jumped out of the bus. And the bus was hanging off a cliff. I got out of the bus but I was hanging over like a 1,000 ft drop and I quickly got on top of the bus and started running cause it was falling and Roman came and I jumped on his car and he stopped and I fell off and he got out of the car.

"Lexi, you okay?"

"Thank you." He helped me up and we got in his car. "Where's Dom?"

"He should be on his way, but we need to go." Someone crashed in the side of Roman's car and I looked who it was and it was Deckard Shaw.

"Deckard Shaw is after us. He's the one who is trying to kill us?"


"Why isn't he after Dom and Ramsey?"

"I think he is actually after you."

"Roman I'm pregnant and I don't want anything happening to this baby. Please pull over I know Deckard he's not going to hurt me. And if you don't stop the car he's going to flip it. So please pull over." He stopped the car and I got out. Roman rolled down his window. "Tell Brian, I'll be okay and that I love him. Just in case anything does happen to me. Tell Brian to move on, tell Dom he needs to move on and he needs to give up these Jobs and be with Letty more." Roman shook his head as he understood and I kissed him on the cheek. "Goodbye Roman."

"Goodbye Lexi." I walked over by Deckard's car and he got out and gave me a hug.

"Get in." He told me and I did as what I was told and he drove away.

"Deckard, were you even after God's eye?"

"No, I made them think that I was but I was just after you."

"Why? Why are you trying to kill my family? Owen isn't dead he's just in the hospital."

"I came and got you because you're smart I need you to help me."

"And if I say no." 

"I'm going to kill you."

"Can I at least call Brian, just to let him know I am okay? Please."

"Fine, make it quick." I called him and Brian answered.


"Lexi, where are you?"

"Deckard has me, he was never after Ramsey or Dom. He was after me but he is still trying to kill you guys. But I know Deckard's not going to hurt me. But if anything happens to me you, Dom, everybody needs to move on. And Brian I don't want any machines keeping me alive if I end up making it but barely. Don't keep me alive please." 

"Lexi don't talk like that, you'll be okay Dom and I will find you and we will get you back."

"I love you Brian." 

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