Chapter Six: Paper Work, Paper Work

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"I just wanna wrap you up. Wanna kiss your lips. I wanna make you feel wanted. I wanna call you mine. Wanna hold your hand forever, and never let you forget it. I wanna make you feel wanted..."

My stomach was getting bigger by the day, and it was exciting. My clothing became more loose so the bump would be concealed. At that point, my stomach was about an inch and a half out.

I was on the office couch sketching a new hat design, specifically a beanie. Since Ethan and I were the only ones who worked on that level and we didn't really get bothered, I decided to wear a loose white shirt and black leggings. No one would see me anyway. Ethan was still in his dressy clothing because he had a title to uphold in his meetings.

I felt him peak over my shoulder and look at my sketch.

"It's a galaxy type beanie. Ya' know, something to get the interest of a younger age group," I said without looking at him. He hummed in response.

"I love it, you could have your own off brand of the company if you want. It could be a partnership," Ethan suggested. I shrugged in response.

"I'll think about it. It's not a bad idea. Oh, we need to go somewhere after work today." I turned to look at him.

"Where? To start getting maternity clothes or something?" Ethan raised an eyebrow at me.

"No, not yet. But I am getting to that point. I need to go tell my mother and I would like if you came with me. You okay with that?" I asked.

"Sure, that's fine." I hummed in response and continued sketching. I was entering the middle of my fourth month. Underneath the beanie sketch, I added my signature and flipped the page. There, I started to write down names.

I had a column for girls and another for boys. Under girls I wrote:


Under boys:


I left room for Ethan to write down his ideas. I finally set the pad down and got up. My stomach was starting to add weight to me and become a little heavy. For some reason, I just felt like walking around aimlessly.

I stepped around my portion of the office and stretched as I did so. Soon enough, it was lunch.

Then closing time.

The day had passed so quickly and I hadn't even realized it. The day had ended and Ethan was driving us home.

Gertrude greeted us at the door. She had a warm smile on her face and bright eyes.

"Hey Gertrude, are you feeling better?" She's been out for a week due to a cold. She didn't want to get me sick.

"I am. How are you and the twins?" She asked me. I lay my hand upon my stomach.

"They're doing great. You're good to go home now, Gerty. I know Fluffy misses you." Fluffy was her white Persian cat.

"Yeah, you're right. Have a nice night." She went out the door as we walked into our bedroom. We got dressed and headed out to car. I had a loose sweater dress and black leggings on. Ethan had a black T-shirt and blue jeans on. After warming up the car, we were out.

The ride to my mother's house wasn't too long. The time was spent by me singing along to the radio and Ethan tried as well, but he was very off key.

We then pulled into my mother's driveway and I climbed out the car. My dress was covering my my belly so my mother couldn't see it.

Ethan knocked on the door and we heard a muffled 'Come in!' I pushed the door open to smell my mother's homemade shrimp scampi pasta.

"Hey mom! Come here, please," I asked. I didn't want to hug her, she might've been able to feel my belly. She walked toward us and hugged Ethan.

"Hey Ethan, haven't seen you since last Halloween. Why you here with Kate?" I grabbed my mother's hands and lead her to sit in front of me on the couch.

"Mom, I have a couple things to tell you," she gave me a stern look and opened up her mouth, I cut her off. "Ethan and I are engaged and I'm pregnant!" My grip on her hands tightened.

"I'm... Going to be a grandma? Ah! That's wonderful!" She hugged me tight. "Ethan, you get over here too." He walked over and put his arms around us.

"Yep, a grandmother to a pair of twins. I already told Daddy, he seems okay with it. I-" she cut me off.

"Twins? Oh, Honey that's great!" The rest of the night was spent talking about family memories and Ethan's perspective on everything.

The night came to an end and Ethan drove us home. It was early April and the air was crisp and cool.

"Thanks for coming, Ethan. It meant a lot to me," I said. He glanced at me through the corner of eye as he pulled into our driveway.

"Why wouldn't I come? I wanna be the for everything, I wanna be there for you. You shouldn't expect me not to go." He winked at me and got out of the car to open my door.

"Well, thanks anyway. I love you," I said softly. Ethan kissed my forehead as I stepped out.

"I love you, too." I smiled. We walked to the door hand in hand. The weather was getting slightly warmer, considering it was early April.

It was only around 10 when we stepped inside the house. I fell onto the couch and rubbed my swollen stomach lightly. I hummed and sang to my little babies, hoping they'd heard me.

"Honey," Ethan's said quietly. I hummed in acknowledgement. "I want you to quit your job at the office."

That caught my attention.

"Why?" I questioned. He gave me a lazy smile.

"I think you should explore your opportunities more. Face it, you have little to no people to call your friend and I don't want you couped up in that office all day. You deserve more than just constant paper work, paper work, paper work." My gaze was steady on him, like I wasn't going to give up so easily.

"But I like working there," I retorted.

"I don't want you sitting in a desk all day when you could be talking with the babies and taking time to yourself. You've worked so hard for me the past two years, you should take a break for a while. Please?" Ethan held my hand and gave me puppy dog eyes.

"Fine," I sighed, " if that's what you really want. I'll quit, just for you." I kissed his cheek and stood.

"I'll see you in the morning?" Ethan asked as he got up with me and we went to the bedroom.

"Yeah, goodnight," I said softly.



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