Chapter 10: New

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"Hold on my dear, I'm coming home. Don't let your fears take control. I can finally hear her message loud and clear. Hold on my dear, I'm coming home..."

After a few days in the hospital, Ethan, the twins, and I were finally able to go home. Both Alex and Gray have opened their eyes. They were a dark grey because they were still vacant of melanin.

As we pulled into the driveway, Ethan decided he would get Gray and I would grab Alex because she was slightly lighter. But those car seats were still heavy as shit.

The twins were sleeping as we walked into the house. I was still clueless as to what their room looked like because Ethan said it was surprise. After he put down my overnight bag, he lead me up the stairs to see it.

"Here it is," Ethan said as he opened the door. I gasped and set Alex down near the door.

The whole room was a pale yellow with a rocking chair in the corner. Around the chair was a bunch of children books and stuffed animals. On the left side of the room, there was a crib the had a small chalk board attached and it read "Alex". The crib on the right was identical, yet it read " Gray". My eyes welled up with tears and I turned around to see Ethan unbuckling the twins.

"Ethan..." My voice trailed off as tears fell down my cheeks. "Thank you so much!" He straightened up and walk toward me to give me a hug.

I squeezed him tightly and laughed out of happiness. Ethan chuckled and wrapped his arms around me.

"So I take it that you like the room?" He asked me.

"Like? I love it. Thank you so much," I said with so much sincerity.

As I let Ethan go, I heard one of the twins start to get fussy. Turning, I saw Gray whimpering and waving his arms toward us. Ethan walked away from me to pick up our whining child.

"What's the matter, bud?" Ethan lightly tapped Gray's backed and bounced in a circle.

"I think he's hungry. Here," I reached for Gray. Once he was in my arms, I walked over to the rocking chair and sat. Pulling away my shirt and bra, Gray immediately attached himself to my breast.

I glanced over to Alex and I saw Blossom curiously looking into the baby carriage. I heard Alex coo and I saw her chubby arms reach toward the dog. Ethan was watching closely to make sure Blossom didn't do anything to harm Alex.

"I guess Alex likes Blossom, that's good," Ethan said to me.

"Yeah, I guess so. I hope Gray likes her, too. But I don't know, he's really whiny." Gray let go of my nipple and laid his head against my arm. He was getting sleepy again.

"Does Alex need to be fed?" Ethan asked me, not daring to look away from our daughter and dog.

"I don't think so. I wanna start getting them on schedules so they have like, a routine." I held Gray up to my chest and patted his back, trying to get him to burp before falling back to sleep. Once I heard his tiny hiccups, I started to set up the higher portion of his crib. I put in the wedge and set him down. Gray fussed a little bit, but eventually fell back asleep.

"Are you going back to work anytime soon?" I asked Ethan, walking towards him and our daughter.

"Not if you need me here. I can work from home in my office for a couple weeks until we get adjusted. It's whatever, really." I pondered the thought of Ethan staying here.

"You can go back to work, that's fine by me. Maybe I'll just need you for a couple days just for me to adjust. I mean, all newborns do is eat, sleep, piss, and cry." I picked up Alex and she continued to try and reach for Blossom.

I heard the beginnings of a cry in her short breaths, so I distracted her with a pacifier. Then, I started to smell something terrible. Next thing I know, she's wailing.

"Is she okay?" Ethan asked me, walking up carefully.

"Yeah, just a dirty diaper I believe." I looked at our daughter and sighed. There was a changing table opposite the rocking chair where I laid her down.

After settling that, I put Alex in her own bed to sleep.

"You want to eat something?" Ethan asked me. I glanced at my phone and saw that it was almost 12.

"Sure." We walked downstairs and into the kitchen. Deciding on macaroni and cheese, I pulled out a pot and Ethan got the box. As I was filling the pot with water, something wrapped around my waist.

I smiled and turned my head slightly. Ethan kissed my cheek and walked away. I finished making our dinner and set it out on the table.

"You know we won't know sleep again until they're, like, two," Ethan chuckled. I looked at him with exhaustion in my eyes.

"Just promise me we'll take turns when they wake us up in the middle of the night. I'm afraid Gray will get fussy during the night and wake up Alex, who has proven to be a good sleeper. I don't want to separate them, though..." I trailed off.

During these last 10 months, I had gained three new family members. I wouldn't want them to be separated in any way for any reason. Everyone was going to be loved equally.

"That's true. I hope Gray will work himself out. It's hard to hear him cry all the time." Ethan looked down at his hands. He was silent for a few moments.

"Ethan, what's wrong?" I reached out my hand to hold his.

"I'm afraid, Katie. I'm afraid I might hurt one of them on accident. Be it physically or mentally," he turned to me, "I'm also afraid of hurting you." I stood and hugged him.

"No one's going to get hurt, I promise. Please, don't be scared. The twins need you, I need you. We'll get through this together, okay?"

I backed away to look at Ethan's face. His eyes shown with unshed tears.



A couple days ago, my mother was cleaning her room and found my old diapers (clean, of course). They weren't normal diapers, they looked like they were made for a doll. I had been born 4 lbs and 6 oz. I didn't reach 7 pounds until I was almost 8 months. I was so small.

See you in the next chapter!

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