Merry Christmas

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A/n: I'm so sorry everyone! With all my regents and crap, I haven't gotten around to Wattpad very much. But I can promise you that this book will be back by June 4th. So enjoy this Christmas mini chapter!! By the way, this takes place a year before the story actually starts.

"I'm finished, Mr. Schneider, is there anything else you need from me tonight?" Katie asked her boss.

It was Christmas Eve night and Katie and Ethan were still in the office. Normally the whole building would be empty, but Ethan had an upcoming deadline. He sighed.

"I'm so sorry to keep you here tonight, Katie," he apologized.

"Don't worry about it," she snorted, "what am I supposed to do? Sit alone in my apartment and watch Hallmark movies? I'd much rather enjoy the company." Katie picked up a file from Ethan's desk and put it in a cabinet.

"I still feel bad," Ethan mumbled under his breath. He shut down his computer, deciding he would finish at home. But, he would never tell Katie or else she would make him sit back down and work.

"What are you doing? Did you even finish?" Katie gave him a stern look, he was never good at lying.

"Y-yes I am. Now, you should get home; it's almost midnight." Ethan tried to pack his case quickly.

"Mr. Schneider, so help me get your shit done," Katie groaned.

"I will. At home. Which is where you should be." Grumbling, Katie grabbed her long coat. Suddenly, she shoved her hand in her pocket.

"Here." She shoved a small wrapped box into his hand. "Merry Christmas." Just as she was about to walk out the door, Ethan called her.

"Wait, I have something for you too." He pulled a larger box out of his desk. "See you in a few days." Then he left.

Ethan's drive home wasn't too long, but felt like hours to him. He was extremely excited to open Katie's gift.

Once he opened his front door, he was greeted by a lonely silence. To be completely honest, he would much rather spend his Christmas with Katie. To him, she was sweet, gentle, and overall beautiful.

With long strides, he climbed the stairs to his room. Once he sat on his bed, he held the small present in his palm. Undoing the bow, he unknowingly held his breath. He lifted the lid and gasped.

Inside the box was a folded note with three pink slips. First, he read the note.

"Dear Mr. Schneider,

These three slips are worth absolutely nothing in the real world, but hold a currency to you and me. Each slip is worth one office all nighter that includes snacks, beverages, and anything else. I see how stressed out you get over these issues, so I'm trying to make them more fun. Just let me know the day before you use these so I can prepare.

With concern,

Katherine Ann Reeds"

"Oh, Katie," Ethan sighed, " you just being there with me is enough."


Katie felt about ready to off herself when she pulled into her apartment's parking lot. Her heels were killing her feet, it was passed midnight, and she was absolutely tired. She almost forgot to grab Ethan's present out of her car.

Once in her room, she kicked off her terrible shoes and plopped down on her bed face first. Before she collapsed of pure exhaustion, she ripped open the gift. Inside, there was a letter and a grey sweater with big letters that read "I ❤ MY BOSS". Smiling, she opened the letter.

"Dear Katie,

This is my first sweater design and I would like you to give it a run. Once our small vacation is over, I'd like feedback on it's comfort and size. I thought the design would be funny and you won't wear it in public, so it's a win win. Merry Christmas, I hope you enjoy it.

With happiness

Ethan Antonio Schneider"

Instead of throwing on her normal pajamas, Katie put on the sweater with some fuzzy pants. The sweater was warm and soft as she cuddled into her bed.

"Thank you," she said into her empty apartment, "thank you so very much. Best Christmas as an adult ever."

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