Disclaimer: This my very first fanfiction. It's very poorly written and has a lot of grammar errors. I don't really like this story tbh, but I decided to keep it due to the immense amount of people who like this story.
Byun Baekhyun (18)
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Byun Baekhyun is a cute art student who loves drawing, anime and Park Chanyeol.
Park Chanyeol (22)
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Park Chanyeol is a well-behaved, nice, singer and actor-- well, that's all we see of him in front of the camera.
Lu Han (18)
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A typical otaku and Baekhyuns best friend. He loves watching anime from mornings till night, oh, and he has 'small' crush, how he likes to call it, on the top arts student Oh Sehun.
Oh Sehun (19)
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Hates everyone,- maybe a little bit too arrogant, doesn't talk much and gives more attention to his drawings than to people.
Kim Jongin (21)
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Park Chanyeols also famous best friend and dancer Kim Jongin. He is a good and loyal person,- maybe sometimes a little bit annoying.
Byun Kyungsoo (20)
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Byun Baekhyuns too serious behaving older brother
The nerdy Byun Baekhyun has a huge crush on the famous actor and singer Park Chanyeol but unfortunately he would never notice him.. or would he?
Genre: Drama, Romance, Fluff, Humor.. Collab by: Nhi & Lin
Our first language isn't English so please don't be too harsh with us!
Have fun while reading it! 🌸
Translations: Translated into French by PetitSkittles Translated into Arabic by Mera-chanbaek Translated into Spanish by @chickeok Translated into Filipino by @creamy-pcy Translated into Vietnamese by @HNgAnNguyn25 Translated into Turkish by @bedeliniodeyeJEON