Fresh air.

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Chanyeol had troubles to stop thinking about the angelic boy with brown, soft hair and cute, dark orbs and with every second it became even harder,- He turned into a real mess.

It was weird because Chanyeol never felt like this. This, with every second growing feeling in his stomach.. what was this?

"Chanyeol? Maybe you should relax now. Go out or something but be careful that no one recognizes you"
Chanyeol glanced at Minseok his manager and nodded in agreement.

A fresh breeze couldn't harm him.

He grabbed his jacket, a cap and a pair of sunglasses and headed out of the studio to look for a small cafe.

He immediately needed some coffee or he would die today.

His personal driver asked while looking at him weirdly.

"I'm going to walk it's okay Chen. You are free for now"

"Are you sure sir?"

"I need a bit fresh air and time for myself. Do whatever you want"

Chen gazed at him weirdly and just nodded, wherefore Chanyeol smiled warmly and headed towards the city where he immediately found a cute, small cafe where he decided to sit outside and enjoy the sun.

"Your order sir?"
Someone asked next to him and he frowned his eyebrows in confusion.

It almost sounded like.. no, no it couldn't be.

The cute voice asked again and Chanyeol slowly looked at him.

Cute dark orbs were staring at him and Chanyeol immediately faced the table again.

"Are you okay?"
Chanyeol coughed and disguised his voice.

"I'm okay, a coffee please"
He continued to stare at the table and just hoped that Baekhyun wouldn't recognize him.

The taller only dared to look in his direction when he heard how he turned around to take the orders of the other customers.

He was a totally beauty and Chanyeol couldn't take his eyes off. Even more beautiful than on his pictures.

These brown, fluffy hair, his porcelain like baby skin, his small but cute eyes and this cute glasses on his nose, which made him look even more adorable than he already was.

He was just perfect, too perfect and it gave Chanyeol goose bumps across his whole skin.

Maybe it wasn't a bad idea to play in this movie? Maybe it wasn't bad at all to come here.

He definitely had to thank Minseok, his manager later to gave him this opportunity.

The opportunity to admire Baekhyun, the real Baekhyun.

He yelped in shock and immediately faced the table again when he heard Baekhyuns angelic voice next to him.

"Yes, just put it on the table"

"Oh ok sure"
Baekhyun moved forward and Chanyeol could smell his scent.

Strawberries, he smelled like strawberries.

Oh, how he wanted to hug this tiny body next to him right now,- to pull him into a warm embrace and never let go again.

He took a few steps backwards again and headed towards the other customers with the big tablet in his hand.

This definitely would be his new favorite cafe.

Chanyeol grinned, took a gulp of his coffee and forgot that it was still hot. Even when his tongue burnt now he didn't care because the sight in front of him was too beautiful.

Nothing could ruin his mood anymore, nothi-

"Park Chanyeol?!"
Chanyeol yelped in shock and looked at his other side, where a crowd of girls stood and began to panic.

Chanyeol immediately stood up without taking a last glance of the smaller and ran as fast as he could while a crowd of screaming girls were chasing him.

"Maybe I should have driven with Chen"
He mumbled out of breath to himself.

"CHANYEEEOL! Please wait!"
Chanyeol began to run even faster and tried to ignore the pain in his legs.

He picked up his phone while running and tipped Chens number hectically.

"Sir? Is something wrong?"

"I need your help Chen! Some fans are chasing me and I don't know where I am right now! You have to pick me up"
He said with heavy breaths and looked in which direction he could run.

"What? But sir I'm not.."


"I'm not at the studio right now. The car isn't here"

Chanyeol sighed loudly and turned around where the girls almost reached him.
This isn't good, this isn't good.

"Hey you!"
Someone shouted in a blue car and Chanyeol looked at the small, brown-haired boy in confusion.

"Hoop in"
Chanyeol stopped running and thought for a moment until he realized that the girls almost reached him and entered the door without thinking twice.

Chanyeol mumbled out of breath when they reached a distance to the girls.

"It's ok, your famous huh?"
Chanyeol looked at the boy with brown hair and big, brown eyes.

"Kinda, yes. I'm Park Chanyeol and you?"
He held his hand towards him but the boy refused to shake it.

"Byun Kyungsoo and I already know who you are my baby brother is your biggest fan"
Chanyeol smirked his winner smirk and leaned against the seat comfortable.

"You can leave now"
Kyungsoo said and parked the car on the side without any expression on his face.

"But I don't know where I am right now. Can't you drive me to-"

"I'm not your personal driver shitty head go out" Chanyeols mouth grew wider by his comment. How could such a small person be that impertinently.

"Alright, im going out"
Chanyeol hissed and got out of the car. The boy just drove away without even looking at Chanyeol.

"It was a pleasure to meet you"
He hissed while watching the boy driving out of his sight.

And what now?

New chapter yaaay!
So I tried to write it good but I still don't like it. What do you guys think? 💕
~ Lin 🌸

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