Sweat drops were dripping down Baekhyun's forehead while he stared nervously on his phone display. Chanyeol could text him every moment and then they would really webcam.He still couldn't believe that he would actually webcam with Park Chanyeol. The famous Park Chanyeol, the person he crushed on since he saw him on the TV for the first time.
It was 2 years ago when Chanyeol was playing in a web drama and Luhan forced Baekhyun to watch the drama with him. Just one sight of Chanyeol and Baekhyun was already lost in him.
He remembered how he watched the full drama within a day but still didn't feel satisfied so he checked out all the dramas he was playing in and downloaded all of his songs. Very soon he was addicted to the taller, you could call him a fanboy.
He bit his lips and played nervously with his in sweat covered hands. His heart was beating like it could explode out of his chest.
From: Channie
I'm ready, what's your skype name cutie?Baekhyun breathed out heavily and grabbed his phone even tighter while his hands were shaking like crazy.
To: Channie
baekhyuneee_ :)Baekhyun grabbed the laptop, placing it on the bed before sitting in front it. He covered his face with the blanket and waited for the invitation of the taller.
He would really video chat with Park Chanyeol in a few minutes. It felt so weird, so unreal. Why the hell would someone like Park Chanyeol video chat with him? He still couldn't understand it.
A noise echoed through the room, making him yelp quietly. 'real pcy wants to webcam with you' he clicked on Skype with shaky hands and accepted the call before taking a deep breath.
He cuddled in the soft blanket and hid the half of his face while staring at the display, still just a black window on the display.
Suddenly the black window disappeared and a curly haired boy appeared on the screen. Chanyeol. He smiled widely at the camera, mustering the smaller with a shine in his eyes.
Chanyeol was so handsome, so perfect. Baekhyun had a hard time catching his breath because of the taller.
"It's cute how you cuddle on the blanket but I would love to see you" A deep voice echoed and for Baekhyun everything seemed so blurry and heavy. His feelings were rushing through his body, fearing that Chanyeol wouldn't like what was hidden under the blanket.
Chanyeol noticed the tension and sighed with a small smile on his face.
"Baekhyun? Look at me please"Baekhyun gulped hard, staring at the screen, direct into Chanyeol's eyes, feeling like he could get lost in them.
"What are you afraid of? Are you afraid of me?"
"No!" Baekhyun replied, maybe a little bit loud but relaxed into the blanket again when he saw Chanyeol's wide smile.
"Then why are you hiding yourself from me? I already told you that you are special to me Baekhyun. I'm not after your look even if you are the beautifulest creature I've ever seen."
Baekhyun's heart began to thump even faster at his cute words, making him shiver on his whole body.
He breathed deep again and removed the blanket slowly, avoiding the screen.
"How I said beautiful"Baekhyun's face was soon covered in red while his cheeks were burning. He smiled lightly, still avoiding the screen.
"You know.. " Chanyeol said uneasy and Baekhyun dared to face the taller. Now he was the one who was avoiding to make eye contact with the smaller.
"It's embarrassing to admit but I can't stop thinking about you"
Baekhyun stared at the screen with wide eyes, admiring the small blush covering Chanyeol's cheeks. His own breath got harder with every second. Hearing something like this coming out of the one he had a crush on for so long seemed like he was in heaven.
"Sorry it was probably awkward for you-"
"No!" Chanyeol smiled warmly, shoving his rich teeth. Both of their hearts were thumping constantly in a fast beat, admiring each other's presence.
Light smiles lingering in the rooms while their eyes were shinning like stars on a clear night sky.
"I really want to see you right now but I won't force you" Baekhyun listened to Chanyeol's deep voice, biting his lips nervously.
Meeting him? .. He would love to but it was too early. He would probably lay dead on the floor within seconds. His feelings were already too much for his body.
"I'm sorry Chanyeol, I really want-"
"It's okay Baek. We won't rush" We. Baekhyun wanted to giggle like a little girl right now but he forced himself to stay calm. If Chanyeol would see how much of a fanboy he just was, he would probably run for his life.
"Thanks Channie" Chanyeol smiled into the camera, producing the weird feeling in Baekhyun's stomach.. like butterflies were flying in it, desiring more of Chanyeol, more than just a stare.
He blushed deeply, trapped in his thoughts, almost forgetting that Chanyeol was still watching him.
"You're so cute, I could stare at you forever"
Baekhyun's face got even redder and the smaller immediately moved his hands towards his face, hiding it behind his tiny hands.
"Stop Channie~"
"Why?~" Chanyeol chuckled amused, staring at the screen with wide, shiny eyes.
Not only Baekhyun's heart was thumping fast, also Chanyeol's was beating faster than ever before. He never felt that attracted to someone.
--He never met someone like Baekhyun. Someone who could actually make his heart beat faster with just a smile.
Oh wow, I really updated this after 1000 years haha. Sorry guys I was a busy mess and didn't have time to continue writing this story at all but I'm back and I hope you guys still read this?
I'll start to edit this story bc I just found a hundred of typos and grammar errors I didn't notice...
However, I hope you liked this chapter and still read this story.
~ Lin 💕

Fanboy ! [bbh.pcy] | Repairing
Fanfiction[COMPLETED] The nerdy Byun Baekhyun has a huge crush on the famous actor and singer Park Chanyeol but unfortunately he would never notice him.. or would he? Cover inspo: devianart/moonxriver ©bcdwolf 2017