Giving up.

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Baekhyun could still feel Chanyeol's strong arms, which were wrapped around his tiny waist yesterday. Still smell his manly scent and still feel his hard thumping heart.

It was like a dream. Hugging the boy of his dreams while a thousand of feelings were rushing through his veins. Beautiful. Like he imagined it.

"What happened yesterday?" Luhan asked as he was reading the manga in his hands.

Baekhyun glanced at his friend for a moment before sitting down next to him. "A lot. I still can't believe it Luhan, did it really happen?"

Luhan looked away from the manga, staring at his friend with a wide smile on his face.
"Yes, it did. I'm happy for you Baek."

Baekhyun smiled happily as he was playing with his fingers nervously. This all happened thanks to Luhan, thanks to his best friend. Without him he would probably still sit at home, staring at Chanyeol's picture all day long.

"Thank you Lu." Luhan smirked as he glanced at his manga again. "I didn't do anything. It was you."

Baekhyun sighed loudly as he threw himself on Luhan's fluffy bed, looking up to the ceiling.

He wished he could also help Luhan like he helped him.. but unfortunately the deer-faced boy had only eyes for a stone named Oh Sehun and it was impossible to make a stone notice such an amazing person like Luhan.

Maybe if he would find someone different then could he give Sehun up?

Baekhyun wants to see his friend being happy. He wants to pull him out of the illusion in which he is always locking himself.

"Luhan, let's go outside. The sun is shinning, I want some ice cream" Baek said, sitting up the bed again.

Luhan let out a big sigh as he continued staring at his manga. "I'm not feeling like going outside Baek. We have ice in the freezer just eat that."

Baekhyun rolled his eyes annoyed before he grabbed the manga in Luhan's hands. "No, you'll come outside with me or you will see this Manga never again."

"No! Please not No.6 I'll go with you!" Luhan screamed, holding up his hands while shock was spreading on his whole face.

Baekhyun laughed amused as he laid the manga down Luhan's bed, wherefore the other one breathed out relived. "Ok, let's go."


Baekhyun couldn't believe his eyes. What was fucking Oh Sehun doing in the ice cream shop? and why was a girl sitting next to him?

Luhan couldn't see it or he would get sad. "Luhan, I think I don't want any ice cream anymore. Let's go home again."

Luhan looked at the smaller confused. "No, I stopped reading the manga because of you and now you'll eat your ice cream."

Baekhyun realized how sweat drops began to drip down his forehead as Luhan grabbed his wrist to head inside of the small cafe. Oh no.

"Luhan! Really let's just go. We can bu-"

But it was already too late since Luhan captured Sehun talking to the brown-haired girl.

"Oh, I understand. It's okay Baek really. Let's just eat some ice cream." Baekhyun was mute as he kept staring into his best friend's sad face.

It wasn't okay, he wasn't okay. Luhan was an awful liar. "I don't want any ice cream, let's just go home or let's go to the manga store and look for new ma-"

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