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It was the day. Today Chanyeol would finally get to know Baekhyun's parents, which were still so face- and nameless to him. Today. He glanced at his own reflection in the mirror, a wide smile glued on his goofy face. It's about time.

On the one hand nervousness was covering his whole body, but on the other hand there was also excitement. He was finally able to meet the people who brought his Baekhyun to life. These two special persons who made his life so much better and brighter.

He buttoned up his white shirt before grabbing his phone, dialing Baekhyun's number with a fast thumping heart and butterflies flying all around his stomach area. I'm so in love.


"Hey puppy. What are you doing?"

Baekhyun giggled on the other line, causing the taller to smile widely. "I'm still cooking. You called an hour ago Chanyeol! Are you that nervous?"

"Ya.. What if they don't like me baby?"

"They'll love you. Don't be scared." He sighed, falling on his bed with shaky legs. "You promise?"

"I promise." A smile creeped its way on Chanyeol's face, Baekhyun's voice echoing in his mind in a loop. "I love you."

"I love you too."

2 hours later

"There he is. The man of the hour." Chanyeol smiled awkwardly as Baekhyun's father approached him, shoving him into the house, Baekhyun smiling at him warmly, trying to calm him down. You can do this. You can do-

"So tell us about yourself." Myself. That's not difficult. You can do that Chanyeol. "Uhm, my name is Park Chanyeol, 22 years old and currently work as a singer and actor-"

"Do you love Baekhyun?" Baekhyun's mother suddenly asked, interrupting Chanyeol's introduction as Baekhyun's eyes grew wide, staring at his mother in horror. "Mom! You can't just-"

"No, it's fine." Chanyeol smiled, glancing at his mother. "Baekhyun, he is my everything. I don't know how to sum this up in words but I love everything about your son. He's my light in the darkness, the anchor which holds me in life, the oxygen I need to breathe. I love every detail of this beautiful human being. I really really love your son mr and mrs Byun. Thank you for bringing him to life."

Baekhyun was staring at the taller with wide eyes, red cheeks and tears running from his cheeks. How did I deserve you. How? "Welcome in the family Park Chanyeol!" What? Chanyeol glanced at Baekhyun's parents in disbelief before letting out a relived sigh. That was easier than expected. He bowed with a smile before Baekhyun ran into his strong arms, burying his head in Chanyeol's chest. "I love you too. I love you so much." I know. "I'm sorry that I can't show it as much as you but I love you... I really do."

"I know. You already show enough baby. Sometimes actions are more important than words. Don't be sad, it makes me sad as well. Smile okay? Never stop smiling." Baekhyun nodded, whipping the tears from his face as their parents had already left the living-room, leaving them both alone. "Have you seen the news today? They've talked about us"

"Yes, I saw them. I'm glad this is finally out. You're not a secret to me. Everyone should know how much you mean to me."

"Does this.. Does this mean the end of your career?" Chanyeol kissed Baekhyun's forehead, running a hand through his soft hair. "I don't know. But it's fine, as long as I have you." Baekhyun grabs Chanyeol's hand tightly, enjoying the heat of his body. "I'm scared to look what they're writing about us."

"Doesn't matter what they're writing about us. I don't care what other people think of our relationship. It's ours, not theirs. What we have is special for me."

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