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[not edited: could contain typos or grammar errors.]

Baekhyun couldn't believe his eyes when Chanyeol stood in front him as he glanced deeply into his dark orbs. "You're so beautiful."

A wide smile started to form on his cute face while Chanyeol was admiring every inch of him. "Can you stay tonight or do you have to go home?" Baekhyun's glanced at Chanyeol with wide eyes, drifting into his thoughts for a moment.

If he would say, would it mean they would have sex? No, that's too fast right? They didn't even kiss now. He still waited for Chanyeol to kiss him. He wanted Chanyeol to make the first move.

If he would attend to kiss him, he wouldn't be sure about Chanyeol's feelings. He wants Chanyeol to feel the same way about him.

-- to love him like he loves the taller.

"I-I don't know." Chanyeol smiled, pulling the smaller into his warm, strong arms. "I won't do anything you don't want to, if you insist because of that," Chanyeol stops for a moment, running his hands over Baekhyun's fluffy hair.
"I would never do anything, which could harm you, okay? Please trust me."

Baekhyun closed his eyes with a warm smile on his lips and drift into Chanyeol's touch and his manly scent. It still felt like a dream.

-- This moment. Chanyeol and his overflowing feelings. He was so happy. So happy.

Could it last forever? Could he feel this touch and smell his scent forever?

"I'll stay. My parents think I'm at Luhan's house anyways." Chanyeol nodded suddenly grabbing Baekhyun's hand tightly and pulling him out of the hotel room.

"Chanyeol? Where are we going?" Chanyeol chuckled, getting faster while Baekhyun tried to catch up with him. "It's a surprise."

After a few minutes Chanyeol finally stopped as he entered the elevator with Baekhyun behind him. They were still holding hands while people keep staring at them like they just saw some alien but both didn't care and just enjoyed each other's touch.

Chanyeol smiled lightly as he looks into Baekhyun's eyes deeply. It's like he can see stars in them. The most beautiful and shiny starts he has ever seen. Beautiful. He is beautiful from the inside and outside.

Suddenly a rang ghosted through the small elevator as Chanyeol pulled Baekhyun out of it into the roof as Baekhyun stared couldn't help but stare at the beautiful stars above him.

"Why the roof Channie?" Chanyeol smiled, pulling Baekhyun closer to himself, so that the smaller was leaning his head on Chanyeol's shoulder. "Because I love stars, they are almost as beautiful as you."

Baekhyun face started to turn red by this but luckily it was too dark for Chanyeol to notice it. "You keep embarrassing me. That's not fair."

"No, I'm just pointing out true facts." Chanyeol smiled, now standing directly in front of Baekhyun, so that they were only an inch away from each other.

"I really want to," Chanyeol glanced at Baekhyun's pink lips, thinking if he should just kiss him or not while Baekhyun started to freak out from the inside. Kiss me. Please.

"Fuck it." Chanyeol whispered before crashing his lips against Baekhyun and kissing him with all the love he had in his body.

-- All the love he could feel and there was plenty of it. It was all rushing through his body. And they all belonged to one certain person: Baekhyun.

The one and only. The one who seemed like to be destined for him. He star in his dark night sky.

Chanyeol felt how Baekhyun wrapped his arms around his shoulders and put more force on the kiss as he smiled lightly, knowing that Baekhyun actually wanted more. He wanted to deepen the kiss.

Chanyeol grabbed his wrist, holding him tightly as he licked the smaller lips, asking for entrance, which the smaller gave him immediately. He shoved his tongue into Baekhyun's cavern, tasting his sweet taste while their tongues started to dance in a rhythm.

So perfect. This moment was so perfect. The first kiss with the love of his life. With his future.

-- something worth remembering.

He was so lost. So in love. Every inch of his body lusted after the smaller. His smile, his voice, his calm expression, his bright personality, his smell. Just everything.

Chanyeol was the first one who decided to stop kissing to catch some air. Baekhyun immediately stared at ground with a red face, too embarrassed to face the taller, wherefore the other one smiled.

"The first time when I saw you on your Instagram picture I was attracted of your appearance because you looked so damn cute and I couldn't help myself and commented," Baekhyun was staring at him with wide eyes as Chanyeol took a deep breath. "But you are so much more than that. Every inch of you is perfection. You're flawless in my eyes. Art. I love the way you smile, I love the way you talk, I love the way you run, I love the way you blush and I even love the way you yawn. I love everything about you. I'm so helpless because I keep falling deeper and deeper. I'm so in love with you and I can't even understand it myself because it's so new for me, please just never leave me o-" Before Chanyeol could answer he heard loud sniffling sound and glanced at Baekhyun seeing how tears were running down his cute face before dropping down the ground.

"Why are you crying? Baek? It's okay if you don't feel the sa-" Suddenly Baekhyun grabbed his sleeves, shoving him down to give him a quick but lovable kiss on his lips.

"How can you say that? I-I love you too." Baekhyun said with red cheeks, playing with his fingers nervously.

Chanyeol smiled happily, pulling Baekhyun into a warm hug. "I'm so happy. Thanks for posting this picture." The tears were still running down Baekhyun's face but a smile ghosted on it.

Happiness was surrounding them. It was a beautiful and unforgettable moment.

Maybe even their best moment in life.


Short chapter but I really tried to focus a lot on the feelings in this one and I even cried while writing it haha, I'm a mess.

Anyways, I hope you guys liked it and sorry for being inactive but I'm having a lot of exams at the moment. Please wait a little bit for updates.

Love you all. ♡

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