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Baekhyun didn't realize all the hard stares surrounding him when he was still staring at Chanyeol's dark, shiny eyes amazed.

He was directly looking at Baekhyun, which send the smaller goosebumps through his whole skin. A cold shudder suddenly floating down his body when Chanyeol slowly headed towards his direction before he stopped directly in front of him.

He kept the intense eye-contact as he kneeled down, only focusing on the smaller while Baekhyun had difficulties catching his breath.

"Are you the line of my fate?
Are you the one I've been waiting for?
Why is my heart sinking?"

Baekhyun's heart suddenly seemed heavy like it could jump out of his chest. It seemed like Chanyeol's words were only for him. It felt like they were alone in the immense concert hall.

They suddenly blended everyone else out and didn't see all the hard gazes on them. They didn't care anyways. They were in their own world.

--just the two of them, looking into each other's shiny eyes while Chanyeol was singing his heart out for the tiny body in front of him.

This was love right? This heavy feeling around your chest.. These butterflies surrounding your stomach. Love.

Love was surrounding them and soon tears drops were falling down his soft cheeks, floating down the ground.

Why am I crying? Baekhyun couldn't help but stare deeply into Chanyeol's eyes. He was happy. He was so happy. Chanyeol was directly in front of him and he was only looking at him while he was singing. He was singing for him.

-- Only him.

Suddenly someone pulled on Baekhyun's arm and dragged him out of their world. A girl with a furious expression stared at Baekhyun, making him yelp in shock quietly.

"What does this mean? Why is oppa only staring at you, you bitch" Baekhyun whipped the tears from his face, now realizing all the fangirls staring at him with wide eyes.

"I-I don't know wha-"

But before he could even respond to it she grabbed his hair and pulled it angrily, making Baekhyun yelp in pain.

"Enough!" A deep voice screamed as the singing stopped. The girl immediately moved her hand away and stared up to the stage with wide eyes.

"Someone lead her out please" Baekhyun looked up to Chanyeol, seeing him looking at the girl next to him angrily. He gulped hardly as the girl was led out of the concert hall.

Chanyeol watched her leaving before smiling at Baekhyun and soon continuing with the singing.


"You didn't even notice my absence, idiot. Did something happen?" Luhan sipped out of his coke as he was staring at his best friends teary eyes.

Baekhyun immediately whipped his tears away, staring at the concert hall, he was in a few minutes ago. He didn't want it to end.

"Hey! You!" A group of girl ran towards Baekhyun, wherefore Luhan immediately stepped in front of him, having the urge to protect him with his tiny body.

"Are you maybe B-Baekhyun?!" Both Baekhyun and Luhan stared at the girl with wide eyes.

"Yes, I am but-"

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