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That morning Jasper had told the brunette that he would be picking her up and taking her to school

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That morning Jasper had told the brunette that he would be picking her up and taking her to school. Athena had woken up before the alarm she set, giddy for the day ahead. She got up, took a shower before getting dressed. She put on a grey dress, black boots and put her hair in a french plate. A car honk was heard from outside and Athena couldn't help but grin. She grabbed her bag and her black trench coat. Both her parents had already left for work and she wasn't hungry so she just left the house to be greeted by a grinning Jasper.

"Morning darling," he smiled. He opened his arms for her and brought her into a hug. She wrapped her arms around him, grinning. Jasper moved his face to her neck, taking in her scent. He slowly moved back, pressing his lips to hers. Their lips moved in sync, slowly before Athena broke the kiss.

"Morning to you too." Jasper escorted his fiancé to the passenger side of the car, opening the door for her. After closing her door, he ran over to the drivers seat, getting in. He started the car, interlocking his hand with Athena's before speeding off to school.

"Congratulations," Alice squealed, hugging Athena the moment she stepped out the car.

Athena giggled at the pixies excitement, "Thank you. I'm not even going to ask how you know. Who else knows?" As much Athena loved the pixie, she sometimes hated her ability. She would rather be the one to tell the family than have them find out through Alice. Jasper and Athena had broken the news to her parents the night before and they took it surprisingly well. Now all she had to do was tell her siblings.

"Don't worry. I'm the only one that knows. I've kept it out of thoughts so Edward doesn't know and I haven't told anyone yet. Rosalie is going to be so happy. I can't believe I'll finally have a wedding to plan." Athena was glad the pixie was excited and had agreed to help with the wedding.

"What's got Alice so excited?" Emmett asked from behind the pair. Emmett was standing next to Rosalie with an arm wrapped around her shoulders. Jasper had also gotten out the car and moved to place an arm around Athena's waist and she slowly sunk into his embrace.

"I asked her to marry me," Jasper stated while Emmett and Rosalie looked at the pair in shock. Emmett was happy that his brother had found his other half and she was someone that he considered a close friend as well as sister. Rose was happy that her twin was finally happy and that his mate was someone that was strong and knew what she wanted and independent.

Rose grinned, before pulling Athena into a hug, "I'm so happy for you. I can't wait for you to be part of this family. I'm happy that Jasper has found his mate."

Emmett moved to hug the small girl, lifting her up, "Welcome to the family, baby sis." He then moved to fist bump his brother, "Congrats man. I'm proud of you."

The rest of the school day went great. No homework, no pop quizzes and she was with Jasper and his family in almost all of her classes. She was happy and nothing could reign on her parade. At least that's what she thought.

"Are you sure you're both ready for this?" Edward asked as they all make their way to their cars. Athena couldn't help but frown. She didn't hate Edward but she couldn't understand why he wouldn't be happy for the pair. Jasper was his brother.

Jasper frowned, "Why would you ask that?"

"I'm just saying, are you both sure you're not rushing into anything? I know she's your mate but don't you think you should both give it some thought?"

Athena scoffed, "I wouldn't have said yes if I didn't love him and wanted to be with him. I don't know what you're problem is or what you have against me but you should be happy for your brother. I love him. Just because you think you're condemning Bella in some way, doesn't mean you have to impose on our relationship. We're happy and want to spent as much time together as we can. As his brother you should be happy for him. The world doesn't revolve around you, get over yourself." Athena stormed off and got in Jasper's Jeep. Edward was left baffled by the brunette, unsure of what to say. The rest of the siblings walked off, proud of her outburst. Jasper still couldn't believe his brother would say something like that.

"I'm proud of you," Jasper spoke as soon as he got in the car.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. As my brother, he should be happy for me. I asked you to marry me because I wanted to spent forever with you. I don't care what Edward has to say about it. Just because he didn't want to bring Bella into this world doesn't mean I have to feel bad about being with my mate. I love you."

"I love you too." Suddenly Athena's phone rang, she picked it up confused until she saw the caller ID.

"Chris. How are you?"

"Hey, cous. Guess whose coming to visit?"

"Wait? Seriously?" Just you or are the others coming too?"

"We're all coming. See you next week."

"I can't wait to see you guys. Bye."


"What's got you grinning?" Jasper asked.

"My cousins are coming to visit. I want you to meet them. Besides we have to tell them the wedding news. I'm pretty sure Mel is going to kill me for not telling her and Chris and Wyatt are overprotective idiots."

"Well I can't wait to meet them."

"I can't wait to see them."

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