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"Hello love," Jasper softly spoke

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"Hello love," Jasper softly spoke. He could feel his mates distress through the bond. Despite not being close, their bond was strong and they could feel each other miles apart. He hated being away from her and the calls weren't satisfying his need to be close to her. He needed to hold her, kiss her and love her, especially now that he felt her roller coaster of emotions and couldn't understand it.

"I need you," she managed to whimper. After her conversation with Bella, she couldn't help but feel upset. She was sad, knowing she might have lost a friend but she wasn't going to change her mind or opinion. Bella needed to face reality and get over herself.

"I'll be right there. Pack a bag, you going to be staying with us for a while," Jasper promised. Athena did as Jasper said, packed a bag as soon as she got home. She explained to her siblings that's she would be away for a while and they completely understood. They all knew how much she needed Jasper and that they were both suffering from separation anxiety. Wyatt promised to explain to their parents why Athena had left but knew they would understand.

Athena was sat on the steps of the house when Jasper's car pulled up. She stood up as soon as he got out the car and before she knew it, she was in his arms. They both stood in each other's embrace for a while. Jasper had his head buried in Athena's neck, breathing in her scent. Athena had her arms wrapped around his neck, pressing her lips against his neck.

"I missed you so much," he said, once he removes his head from her neck. Athena couldn't speak as she took in the face she had missed so much. Jasper grinned, looking at his mate. He knew exactly why she hadn't said anything but he couldn't blame her as he had missed her too.

"I missed you too," she whispered. Jasper put all her belongings in the car, opening the passenger side door for her and she got in. Jasper started the car and the two were off. They spent most of the ride talking about everything that had been going on. Jasper couldn't help his surprise when Athena told him about the conversation that she had, had with Bella before calling him.

"Can't say I'm surprised by the way you reacted. I'm proud of you. But I do have to ask, what does that mean for your friendship?"

Athena sighed, "There's no friendship. I'm done with her and Edward's bullshit. I tried to be there for her and she just shut me out. I have other responsibilities, she's not my priority. I have my family to worry about and the Council still makes sure I'm doing what I'm suppose to."

Jasper frowned at the anger and hurt he felt from his mate, "I understand. I'm glad you finally put your foot down. I'm proud of you. What is the Council?"

"Just like you have the Volturi, we have the Council. As a witch, it's important that we follow a set of rules to make sure no one gets hurt. As witches, we are protectors. However, humans aren't meant to find out about us, unless it's a life and death situation. It's the Council's responsibility to make sure I fulfil my duties which is why they introduced me to the Pack."

"You're friends with the wolves?" Jasper couldn't help the anger. He hated that she was close to the wolves. He didn't like the fact that she was around danger and couldn't protect her.

Athena couldn't help but roll her eyes at his overprotectiveness, "I'm fine. They are friends. I wouldn't have gotten involved with them if it wasn't important. Don't get me wrong, they hated the idea that I was getting married to you, a vampire but they got over it. Some better than others. Paul hated it but he's like a brother to me so he learnt to deal with it. Besides, I don't go down there by myself, Wyatt or Chris are always with me. Don't worry."

Jasper finally sighed, "Fine. I will always worry but I trust you. And as you said, it happened for a reason. You ready to get out of here?"

Athena tilted her head in confusion, "Sure. Where are we going?"

Jasper smirked, "You'll find out soon enough."

After a long trip the pair finally got to Isle Esme. Athena was completely taken aback when she saw the place. It was absolutely stunning and she loved how open the place was. She grinned, already hearing the commotion Emmett was making and Rosalie and Esme scolding him.

 She grinned, already hearing the commotion Emmett was making and Rosalie and Esme scolding him

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"Athena!" Alice yelled as soon as they make their way up the steps. The little pixie hugged her tightly and Athena did the same, having missed the small vampire.

"I missed you too, Alice." She really had missed the pixie that loved to hug her.

Soon enough she was pulled into a hug by Rosalie, "I missed you so much. I'm sorry we had to leave." Rosalie was the one Athena was closest too and no one could deny that. Rosalie admired how strong and determined she was, especially to protect those around her and Athena loved how Rosalie managed to carry herself and not care what others thought. The two also had many interests in common and they always feel into an easy conversation.

"Shorty," Emmett exclaimed, picking her up into a hug.

Athena grinned, placing her feet firmly on the ground, "I missed you too, Emmett. Where are Carlisle and Esme?"

"They are still out hunting. They should be back soon. How's Bella?" Alice asked. Alice hadn't been able to see Bella's future clearly and she was worried. Bella was still her friend and she promised Edward she would look after her. She hated not knowing.

Athena sighed, "I love you Alice but I'd rather not talk about Bella."

"Why not?"

"She said some things I didn't appreciate at all and I was hurt. She thinks the world revolve around her and doesn't care for those around her. I have explained to her numerous times that I have other responsibilities and people that rely on me but she just doesn't seem to understand. I know you are care about her but I'm done putting myself out there for someone that simply doesn't care."

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