6 | wolves

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"Athena," Embry yelled once she gets out of the car

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"Athena," Embry yelled once she gets out of the car. Athena grins, hugging the young wolf. She really had missed the wolves, even if she was only gone for a week. She had always been closest to Embry but Paul was someone she considered a close friend too.

"I missed you too, stupid."

He rolled his yes, "Rude. Guess who's here?"

Athena frowned in confusion, "Who?"

He smirked, "Vampire girl, Bella."

"What?!" Embry just grabbed her hand, escorting her inside to where the rest of the Pack was. Athena froze when she saw the brunette.

"Athena? What are you doing her?" Bella frowned.

"We don't allow outsiders," someone stated next to Bella. He looked like Jacob as Embry had described to her. While she was gone, Embry had tried to keep her updated on the Pack business, especially the drama with Bella and how she was stringing along Jacob to get over Edward. It was getting ridiculous.

Embry, Jared, Paul, Sam and Emily laugh. Sam steps forward to hug the young witch, "She's not an outsider. She's family and she's welcome here anytime she wants. How are you?" She had always considered Sam a big brother and he welcomed her despite her being part vampire.

Athena smiled, hugging the Alpha tightly, "I'm good. I missed you idiots though. I see more have shifted in the time I was gone. What have I missed?"

Paul grinned, "Well, Jacob and Quil have both shifted while you were gone. I'm also guessing you know that redhead is back and we have had to increase patrol."

Athena sighed, "I figured she would be back. I'll help out with patrol. I missed you guys."

"We missed you too. Besides I missed having a girl around to help me put these boys in place," Emily yells from the kitchen. Everyone laughs at her comment, knowing how much she really loves them all.

They all sat down and Jacob broke the silence, "Who are you anyway?" Athena didn't already like him because of his rude attitude. And here I thought Paul was rude, she thought.

Athena sighed, "I don't know what Sam has told you but I'm part vampire and part witch. I help out the Pack whenever I can, usually those that have recently phased. You haven't meet me before because I've been away on vacation, which is also why I haven't meet you or Quil till now."

Quil frowned, "I thought we didn't trust vampires?"

Embry grinned, "We don't but Little May is an exception and she's practically family. Besides no one out sasses Paul better than she does."

"And don't you forget it," she grinned.

"I didn't know you knew about the wolves. Why didn't you tell me?" Bella questioned. She didn't like the fact that Athena knew about the wolves before her, considering Jacob was her best friend.

"It wasn't my place to say. Besides, we're not on speaking terms."

Jacob looked at her, "I thought no one outside the tribe was suppose to know?" He didn't think it was fair that Athena knew about the wolves but he couldn't tell Bella.

"She has an agreement with the tribe leaders. She helps us kill vampires and helps with patrol whenever she can, in exchange she and her family can come to La Push whenever they want. She's part of this Pack," Sam explained. He truly saw Athena as part of the Pack and a valued friend.

"Why is everyone so tense anyway?" Since she walked in, Athena could feel the tension around her and didn't understand what was going on. They were worried and she didn't understand.

Sam sighed, "Bella was attacked by the vampire with dreadlocks and we have had the redhead that is after her is back. That's why everyone has been running extra patrol." Athena frowns as she hadn't seen this before. She had been looking out for Victoria and knew she would be back but she didn't know about Laurent.

"I saw Victoria but I didn't see Laurent. How long has she been back?"

"We've come across her twice," Jared voiced.

"I want to start help running patrol tonight."

Sam nodded in agreement, "Alright. You'll be with Paul and Embry. You sure you want to do this?"

"Of course. Bella is not the only one she's after, especially now that she knows what I'm capable of. Besides, it's also my responsibility to protect the humans so I'm helping whether you like it or not." It was her responsibility to protect humans after all.

"So you're doing it for yourself? Not for Bella?" Jacob rudely interrupted. Everyone looked at him disapprovingly but Bella smiled a little, knowing someone was sticking up for her.

Athena scoffed, "Your girlfriend is not my main priority. I have a duty to protect the humans, just as you do. I honestly don't care what happens to her, besides you look like you have the protection detail handled. I'm perfectly capable of protecting myself and that's what I'm going to do." Athena stood up and walked out of the house, not wanting to talk to either Bella or Jacob.  She hadn't realised that Embry and Quil had followed her.

She came to a halt when she replied that both boys were right behind her, "What?"

Embry grinned, "Sam just wanted to me to tell that patrol starts at 9 so I'll see you then."

Quil rolled his eyes at his best friend, "He also wanted to tell you that what you did was awesome. We've had to deal with Jacob being hung up over Bella for the past couple of days and I'm glad someone finally put them both in their place. It nice having someone with a sense of humour and a backbone around here."

Athena smiled, "Thank you. I'll see you tonight. And Quil, you might just be my new favourite."

Embry frowned, "Hey. What about me?"

Athena grinned, "Guess you're going to have to earn back that title."

Embry scoffed, "I don't even like you now."

Quil grinned, "That's fine, I'm her new favourite anyway."

Athena laughed at the two best friend, "I'll see you boys later."

"Bye," they both reply in unison.

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