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Three days later, Bella had returned from Italy with Edward and Alice

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Three days later, Bella had returned from Italy with Edward and Alice. The rest of the family had also returned to Forks and weren't going anywhere for the time being. Athena had explained to both her parents and siblings that the Cullen's were back. They understood why they left in the first place and her happiness was the only thing that mattered to them. They wanted to watch their daughter walk down the isle and be happy. Jasper had invited Athena over to visit the family later tonight. Athena and Bella's friendship had become almost extinct at this point. Athena wanted nothing to do with the brunette. She had found out through her father that Charlie had grounded Bella and was not happy with her behaviour at all, which parent would want their child to do something as stupid as travel halfway across the world to rescue their boyfriend.

"Athena, you coming?" Wyatt yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

"Give me a second." She yelled before running downstairs to meet her brother. She had promised Sam that she would explain to him why the Cullen's were back and how long they were staying. Sam treated Athena like a sister and understood why Jasper would be back but for the sake of his Pack and making the right decision, he needed to know the situation between Bella and Edward. Wyatt had offered to drive her down there as he dint want her to go down there alone.

"How are you?" Wyatt asked when they both get into the car.

Athena sighed softly, "Good. Things are slowing down and I'm happy. Jasper is back, I'm graduating soon, training has been going well and the Pack is doing good. It's slowly getting better but I'm happy. Don't worry about me too much, I will talk to you if I need someone to talk to."

Wyatt smiled, "Good. I'm glad you're happy. You are my baby sister and it's my job to make sure you're happy no matter what happens."

Athena rolled her eyes, "I'm a week younger than you, idiot." The two siblings pulled up at Sam and Emily's house. She got out the car, bidding her brother goodbye. She had missed the rest of the gang and hoped she could ease the tension between the Cullen's and the Pack. They were both family to her.

"Athena," Quil, Embry, Paul and Jared yelled as they walked into the house.

"I missed you idiots too." Sam got up and hugged the petite girl.

"It's good to see you too, Athena."

"It's good to see you too. I'm guessing you guys have some questions for me?" Athena sat down, ready to listen to what they had to say and answer any questions that they might have.

"Are they back for good? I'm mean, I understand why Jasper is back but are the rest of them? You know that Jacob already hates Edward and it's not helping with the tension," Embry explained. Athena knew he was right but hoped they would all put their differences aside to work together.

Athena sighed, "I believe they are. I understand that Jacob and Edward have their differences but they need to get over it and realise that there are bigger things for them to worry about. I know that the treaty states that they can't bite a human but Bella wants to be a vampire. I don't know what you are going to do about it but you're the Alpha Sam, it's your decision. No matter what you decide, Jacob is going to be angry because he can't have Bella. I want you and the Cullen's to work together to finish Victoria but as I said its up to you." Everyone turned to look at the Alpha waiting to hear his reply.

"Athena is right. We do need to work together to catch the redhead. However, Bella is none of our concern. She chose to stay with the Cullen's meaning the Pack now has nothing to do with her. I don't care how angry Jacob is going to be, she is not an imprint therefore we don't need to protect her as it seems the Cullen's have that handled. As far as the treaty is considered, we will deal with that when the time comes." Sam didn't know what he would do if the Cullen's bit Bella as it was her wish but would deal with it when the time came.

Athena nodded in agreement, "Thank you."

As promised jasper had picked her up to take her to the Cullen house

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As promised jasper had picked her up to take her to the Cullen house. They had both walked in to the whole family talking to Bella. She looked at the pair and couldn't help but get angry. They had both been extremely selfish and she hated how much it had effected her life. The pair was definitely made for each other. Lastly, she turned to face Jasper and her.


He sighed, "It would be nice to not want to kill so yes." As much as Jasper knew that Athena hated the idea of Bella becoming a vampire, her scent was mouthwatering to him and the only thing stopping him from killing her was Athena. However, Athena understood why Jasper would agree, him being so close was too much for him. She hated how Edward didn't understand how it was effecting him.

"What do you say, Athena?"

Athena scoffs in disbelief that she would even ask her, "My answer is always going to be no. You are selfish. You haven't even thought about what it would do to your parents. Or your best friend. You have years to make a decision and yet you rush into because you want to be with Edward. He loves you, he's not going anywhere. You have to understand that you don't need to do this and you have options. Live your life before you commit. My job is to protect humans and I will stop at nothing to make sure you stay human."

"I thought you didn't want to be my friend anymore," Bella asked confused.

"I don't need to be your friend to do my job."

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