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"You ready to go?" Athena had gone home after school to get dressed for Bella's birthday party

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"You ready to go?" Athena had gone home after school to get dressed for Bella's birthday party. She had gotten the brunette a first Edition Romeo and Juliet, knowing her love for literature. Athena had put on a simple withe dress and black heels. She decided to wear her hair down, not really fussed about as it seemed to have a mind of its own. Jasper had told the young Protector that he would pick her up.

"Give me a minute," Athena grabbed her necklace and put on her engagement ring before grabbing Bella's birthday present. She then grabbed her jacket and followed Jasper out to his car. Both her parents were still at work but gave their wishes to Bella.

"Athena, you made it," Rosalie smiled as the pair made their way into the house. The two girls hugged before making their way to the living room. Alice had definitely gone all out for Bella's birthday. The pixie sure as hell knew how to throw a party.

Edward and Bella joined the party soon enough and everyone started giving her their presents. Emmett had gotten her a new radio for her truck, Rosalie had gotten her a necklace with the help of Alice, Edward had given her some books, Esme and Carlisle had given her plane tickets.

"Last but not least, my present," Athena smiled.

Bella smiled at the Protector, grabbing the present. Bella's eyes widen in surprise before smiling, "Thank you so much. I can't believe you got me this. I don't even know how you got it."

"Don't mention it. I know how much you love the book." As Bella moved to place the present down, she cut her finger on the wrapping paper.

"A little blood," she stated.

It all happened so fast. Jasper leaped towards Bella but Edward pushed Bella towards the piano, resulting in her cutting her arm. Emmett and Carlisle managed to grab hold of Jasper, escorting him outside. Alice and Rosalie left the room, while Esme tried to help Bella. Carlisle walked back into the room and looked at Athena who was still frozen.

"Athena," he spoke softly, "Go check on Jasper." Athena slowly nodded before making her way outside. She used her magic to find them as they had wondered too far into the woods. When Athena came face to face with Jasper she froze, not sure what to say.

He sighed grimly, "I'm a monster. Today just proved that." Emmett and Edward looked at each other before leaving the couple to talk.

Athena sighed, looking at her mate, "Never say that. Don't blame yourself for giving into your nature. I know you didn't mean to hurt her, I believe that because I know. I love you. Nothing is going to change that. Please don't blame yourself for a momentary lose of control."

"How can I not? She's your friend and I couldn't control myself. I hurt her and I could have done so much worse. How can you still me?"

Athena stood in front of him, grasping his face in her hands, "I, of all people, know what it's like to lose control. I love you more than anything and nothing is going to change that. Bella is my friend and she will understand. Please don't blame yourself. It was an accident. I love you."

Jasper sighed, leaning into her touch, closing his eyes, "I can't look at you without feeling like a monster. You're pure and I don't want to corrupt you."

"That you never will. I love you. Fate put us together because we belong together. I'm yours because you deserve someone that will always love you, see the good in you and make you feel human. I'm yours, just as you are mine. I don't want you blame yourself for something you couldn't control. I agreed to marry you because you make me happy, you make me feel special and you understand me."

"I love you. Nothing is going to change that. I'm grateful that you see the good in me and not the monster that everyone else does. I don't know what I would do without you."

"And we are never going to find out. I love you too." Little did they both know how much things were going to be changing soon.

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