9 | wedding

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Athena and Rosalie were currently planing her wedding

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Athena and Rosalie were currently planing her wedding. She had decided to put Rosalie in charge of the wedding planning because she was closest to her and she would know what she wanted. As much as she loved Alice, things between them have been a little rocky due to her friendship with Bella. She also wanted to plan her wedding in the way she wanted and knew that Alice would give her input as she could see the future.

Athena and Jasper had discussed when the wedding would be and who would be coming. They both agreed that they wanted to get married as soon as possible so they decided the best date would be August 1st. As much as Jasper hated the fact that she wanted to invite the Pack, he knew how much they meant to her. Athena had also convinced him to invite Peter and Charlotte and didn't care that Edward wasn't comfortable with them being around Bella as it was their wedding and they both wanted family present. She had asked Rosalie to be her maid of honour and asked Alice, Leah and Melinda to be her bridesmaids. After everything that had happened between Athena and Bella, she refused to have her as a bridesmaid and wanted her to play as small of a role as possible for the wedding. She might sound a little selfish, but she was done putting others before her happiness.

"So the theme is white and lilac?" Rosalie asked to confirm.

Athena nodded in agreement, "Yes. We both wanted to go with soft colours and purple is my favourite colour. We also wanted lilacs as part of the centre pieces. The bridesmaids dresses are also lilac. Wow, didn't realise how much I really like purple."

Rosalie chuckled softly, "Trust me, we have all realised. Have you finished your dress?" Athena had gotten a hold of her mothers old dress and decided she wanted to wear it to her wedding but made a few adjustments. The brunette adored her mother and wanted nothing more than to wear the dress she got married in. Her mother didn't have a problem with it, in fact she was ecstatic and helped adjust the dress with her.

Athena smiled, "Of course. I'll show it to you now." Rosalie nodded at the young witch. Athena moved to her closet and grabbed her wedding dress. The gown was absolutely gorgeous. Athena wanted something simple but vintage, therefore the back was open and the pattern looked stunning. Her mother had loved what she had done to the dress and couldn't wait to watch her daughter walk down the isle in it.

 Her mother had loved what she had done to the dress and couldn't wait to watch her daughter walk down the isle in it

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"It looks absolutely stunning. You are going to look like a goddess when you walk down the isle. Jasper is going to love it and he won't be able to keep his hands off you. I can't wait," Rosalie gushes. She loved the dress and couldn't wait for the wedding when Athena would walk down the isle in it.

 She loved the dress and couldn't wait for the wedding when Athena would walk down the isle in it

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"Hello, love," Jasper grinned as the brunette hugged him tightly. He had gone on a hunting trip with Carlisle, Emmett and Edward, hence why he wasn't there to help plan the wedding. The pair had spent almost every moment together since he got back. They both felt they had spent too long apart, hence why they were practically joined at the hip.

"How did the wedding planning go?"

Athena smiled warmly at her mate, "It went great. We have almost everything ready. We just have to finish the guest list and send out the invitations. I showed Rose my dress and she loved it. I can't wait to walk down that isle and finally marry you. The end of the school year couldn't come fast enough."

"I can't wait to call you Mrs. Whitlock."

"Nor can I. How was your hunting trip?" From the way Jasper frowned, she knew something had happened on the trip with his brothers.

"Edward decided to voice his opinion of how we're moving too fast and should consider taking our time. That we are rushing into a commitment until Emmett decided to shut him up. He told him that it wasn't his decision to make, that it was his fault we were apart for so long and that he interfered in a relationship that had nothing to do with him. You should have seen how angry he got, he ended up storming off. I'm so glad I chose Emmett as my best man." As much as Jasper loved his brother, he really needed to stop brooding and get over himself.

"Finally, someone told him. I knew there was a reason why Emmett was my favourite." Her and Emmett had always been best friends and she was glad to know he had their backs.

"Something has you worried." It wasn't a question. She sometimes hated how well Jasper knew her.

"I'm scared. Something is coming and I have no idea what it is. Someone is going to get hurt and I'm scared that I won't be able to do anything about it."

"If there is one thing I know, no matter what happens, you always try your best."

"I hope that's enough this time."


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