4 | routine

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The last five months, Athena had fallen into a routine. She would wake up, get ready, go to school. After school, she would train with her cousin, run patrol with the Pack or do her homework. She still talked to the Cullen's and emailed them almost everyday. As much as she hated to admit it, she had become dependent on the Cullen's but she didn't want to give Edward the satisfaction of taking away everyone she loved as she knew he would be back. She tried to move on and deal with everyday as it came but the pain in her chest was getting worse. It was getting hard for her to go everyday without Jasper by her side.

Athena had tried to talk to Bella but the brunette had nothing more than stare out the window and refused to talk to Athena. The Protector felt hostility from the young woman and hated how their relationship had frizzed out in the past couple of months. Bella felt that Athena had moved on too fast and was coping with the Cullen's leaving, better than her. Even when she was back at school, she refused to talk to the young hybrid. Of course it bothered her but Athena knew better than to let it get to her as she still valued the friendship of the brunette, even if she didn't. Athena preferred sticking to her brothers who had also joined her at the school and meeting up with the rest of the Pack during the weekend.

"Wake up, little one," Wyatt yelled.

Athena groaned in annoyance, "Shut up, stupid. I'm up." The brunette slowly got out of bed, making her way to the bathroom. When she looked in the mirror, she saw how tired she looked. She had bags under her eyes and her eyes looked tired. She slowly finished her morning routine before making her way down to the kitchen.

"Someone looks like death," Chris commented.

Melinda sighed in annoyance, "Stop making the girl feel bad. She knows she looks like crap, doesn't need you making her feel any worse, dumbass. Apologise for being so insensitive."

"Don't worry about it, Mel. Nothing I haven't heard before."

Chris frowned, "Mel is right, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said what I did. I also don't think it's fair that you have to deal with what people are saying. I know you're strong but it's not fair people get to say what they want and realise the consequences. You deserve better than that. Call Jasper. Maybe that will cheer you up. Don't let Edward's foolishness get in the way of your happiness."

Athena smiled, "Thank you. Maybe I will. I miss talking to him and the rest family. I'm still going to kill Edward when he comes back. Not even he can fight fate."

Chris grinned, "That I can't wait to see."

Wyatt had driven them all to school in the morning as their mother was still at work

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Wyatt had driven them all to school in the morning as their mother was still at work. Athena hated school but had made it her mission to graduate with honours. Her brother Wyatt had decided to aid his sister in her mission and enrolled in all AP classes as well and helped her when he could.

"AP Biology, here we come," Wyatt grinned.

"Hush child," Athena smiles. Wyatt was hands down, Athena's best friend. The two of them grew up joined at the hip and despite Athena being adopted, Wyatt loved her like he loved Melinda, like a sister. The two made their way to class as Chris and Melinda went their separate ways. The two made their way to their seats. Wyatt nudged her slightly and she turned to see Bella walking into the class. They both made eye contact before Bella turned her head and made her way towards her seat.

The lesson went by slowly, Athena taking notes. She wasn't really paying attention to the teacher as all she could feel was anger and hostility from Bella. She couldn't understand why the brunette felt the way she did but she was going to find out. The lesson finished soon enough and Athena moved to catch up with the brunette in the hallway.

"What is your problem?" Athena asked as she caught up with Bella.

Bella glared, unsettling the Protector, "They left. You acted like nothing had happened. You moved on and didn't even bother to ask how I was doing. They left and you were still able to smile. They meant a lot to me too but you act like nothing's changed."

Athena scoffed in disbelief, "I didn't move on, I leant to live with it. Fate has a way of always playing out. They are family to me too. I have responsibilities, to both myself and this world. I didn't abandon you, I checked on you everyday you sat idle in your room, staring out the window. I was able to smile because I didn't shut out the people that cared about me. You and Edward are just as selfish as each other and I hope you realise that the world doesn't revolve around you. Just because you gave up, doesn't mean I did. I am who I am for a reason and I have a responsibility to those around me and unlike you I can't just walk away. Grow up and realise that there are people around that care and want to be there for you. World doesn't revolve around you, nor does mine." Athena walked away from Bella with her head held high.

Athena made her way towards the woods, pulling out her phone, "Jasper?"

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