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Athena was currently getting ready for school

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Athena was currently getting ready for school. The brunette couldn't help but frown, feeling like something was going to happen. She couldn't shake the feeling that things were about to change and she didn't know what to do.

"Morning, darling," Jasper spoke from behind her.

Athena jumped slightly in shock, "You scared the shit out of me. You need to stop scaring me like that. It's not fair."

Jasper chuckled, moving over to his mate placing his hands on her hips, "Sorry, love. I have some news I need to tell you."

Athena frowned, "You're leaving aren't you?"

Jasper sighed, "We are. Carlisle isn't ageing and people are starting to notice."

"You're not blaming yourself for what happened with Bella, are you?"

"You know I am but Edward thinks it's best that we leave, for Bella's sake. I love you, always and that's not going to change. I want you to know that I'm not going anywhere. Edward has the family convinced that us leaving is for the best," Jasper explained sadly.

"I don't like him. It's not fair that you have to leave because of his choice to bring Bella into this world. I love you. I want to marry you and spent forever with. I want to be a family. I don't want Edward's mistakes to impact our relationship. We both deserve better."

"I know, love. This isn't goodbye. We will be together soon. Edward will realise that he can't stay away from Bella and will be back. I hate that his self-loathing is getting between our relationship and us finally getting married but all good things come to those who wait. Me and everyone else have decided to give you our contact number as it isn't fair for the two of us but don't give it to Bella. I love you and I promise I will be back for you and we will get married," Jasper vowed.

"I understand but that doesn't mean I like it. Edward is an idiot and it's not fair that we have to hold off on getting married because of his idiocity. I won't give the information to Bella. I want to talk to the rest of the family before you leave. I want them to know that I love them and understand. I'm also going to kill Edward."

Jasper laughed, "They know how much you care about them, don't doubt that. They care about you too. As for Edward, you have full permission to kill him."


The pair pulled up to the house, making their way inside. As soon as Athena got into the house, she was attacked by a hug from the little. This happens way too often, she thought.

"I'm so sorry," Alice voiced once she pulls away from the hug.

Athena sighed, "I understand. I'm not blaming you for what happened so you have no reason to apologise. The only person that needs to apologise is Edward. I wanted to talk to you all before you left. Hence why I'm here and not at school."

"We understand," Rosalie spoke from behind Alice. The blonde moves to give the brunette a long hug, knowing she wouldn't be seeing her a while.

Athena turned to face the whole family, "I understand why you are all leaving. I'm glad you all told me the truth and let me see you before leaving."

"You're family, don't forget that," Esme stated.

Athena smiled, "Thank you. I don't want you all to leave because of Edwards mistake but he is your family. I might not agree with it and I definitely want to kill him but it's not going to change anything. I just wanted you all to know that I love you and I hope you come back soon. As much as Edward hates to admit it, his fate is tied with Bella's, he will be back sooner or later whether he likes it or not. I know as a family you all want to respect his wishes but please don't feel bad for leaving."

Rosalie frowned, "How can we not feel bad? Jasper has finally found his mate, you're suppose to be getting married and Edward has no right to ask you both to put it off. You both deserve happiness. It's not fair that his hatred for what he has done, should come between the two of you."

"I completely understand that Rose but he's still your brother. I love Jasper and I will marry him, just not at this moment. As someone once told me, all good things come to those who wait. You are all family to me."

Emmett grinned, "As you are to us, short stacks. You're not getting rid of us that quickly. Besides, who's going to be the best man at Jasper's wedding, if not me." Everyone laughed at Emmett's comment. Athena couldn't help but feel sad, knowing they were all leaving soon.

"I thought you would have all left by now," Edward spoke as he walked into the house. Everyone turns to face him. Rose and Jasper glare at him, Emmett, Alice and Esme look at him with a sad smile and Carlisle can't help but look at him disapprovingly knowing they were leaving Athena behind.

"I wanted to talk to them," Athena stated.

"I'm sorry," Edward frowned.

"No you're not. You're selfish and you thinking for some reason you're saving Bella, when the truth is that you're fates are already intertwined. You love her and you will find your way back to her. You should have thought about the consequences to your actions before getting involved with Bella. You might be willing to leave her but what about Jasper leaving me? He's my mate just as I am his. Did you think about what would happen to us once you made the decision to leave and take the whole family with you? You are taking my family away, just because you couldn't face your fate. Grow up and realise that your actions impact all those around you. I hope you can live with the fact that your selfishness has taken my family away from me and they have to leave someone they hold dear behind. I hope you're happy."

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