7 | diving

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The next couple of days were spent patrolling while juggling school for Athena

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The next couple of days were spent patrolling while juggling school for Athena. Wyatt made sure she kept up with all her school work while training her with Chris when she wasn't patrolling. Both brothers also helped Melinda train when they weren't training Athena. Over the past couple days, the siblings had gotten closer and spent most of their days together. Athena was currently sat in Emily's kitchen, trying to finish her homework before it was her turn to run patrol with Embry.

"You finished?" Emily asked. She loved having the brunette around as she was surrounded by boys almost all the time and her cousin wasn't talking to her.

Athena smiled, "Almost. I just have to finish this paragraph." The two females continued talking while Emily cooked and Athena finished her English essay. Athena was grateful that Emily understood her hectic life and all the responsibility placed on her shoulder. She hated how she was expected to save others and put her life on hold.

"Bella jumped," Sam yelled from the doorway. The two females turn to face him in shock and confusion. Why the hell would Bella jump, Athena thought.

Sam sighed, "Bella decided to cliff jump and almost died. I need you to check on her, I know it's a lot to ask but Harry just had a heart attack and the redhead was spotted in the woods." Athena was fuming at Bella's irresponsibility and hated that Sam asked her to check on her but understood. She knew that Harry didn't make it from the look in his eye and he wanted to be there for the family.

Athena made her way down to the beach to find Jacob hovering over a coughing Bella. She walked up the pair sighing, "Jacob, I need to get her home and you need to go over to Harry's house."

Jacob glared at the Protector, "Why should I listen to you? You don't even like Bella."

"Whether or not I like Bella has nothing to do with this. She needs to get home before she catches a cold or worse pneumonia and you need to be with your Pack. Harry had a heart attack and they need you."

Jacob contemplated the offer but knew she was right. He also knew she wouldn't hurt Bella. He sighed, "Alright. Take her home and make sure she gets warmed up. I'll go see the rest of the Pack." The native boy got up while Athena helped Bella towards her car. She had given her a blanket that she had in the car before driving her back to her house.

"What were you thinking? What drove you to jump that cliff?"

Bella stared blankly ahead, "I saw him. I saw Edward."

Athena scoffed, "Seriously?! You risked your life just to see him again? Did you even think about what would happen to Charlie, Renee or Jacob? You're so selfish that you didn't even care about the other people in your life. You're not alone and you have people that care about you but you didn't even consider them when you jumped."

"I'm sorry."

Athena sighed, "I don't understand why you're apologising. You need to get your shit together and realise you have your whole life ahead of you. You have people that care about you. Stop pushing them away."

"Like you pushed me away?"

"What?! I did not push you away. You pushed me away. You were perfectly fine with wasting yourself away and didn't let anyone help you. I tried but you're not my main priority. I have other responsibilities. Don't blame others for your issues. You did this." Bella didn't have a chance to reply as Athena parked the car in driveway and got out. Athena froze when she realised that there was a vampire in the house. However she didn't have a chance to do anything as Bella rushed into the house.

"That's Carlisle's car." Athena followed Bella into the house. She had pulled her dagger from her belt in case she needed to protect them both but was shocked to find Alice standing in the living room.

"Bella, how are you alive? I watched you jump off that cliff," Alice exclaimed.

"I was cliff diving recreationally. It was fun. Why are you back?"

"I thought you died. Did you even think about Charlie and what it would do to him? I'm so happy you're okay. Athena, why didn't you stop it?" The little pixie questioned the Protector. She should have seen what would happen to Bella but didn't do anything about it.

"I didn't see anything happen to her. I'm only shown what I'm meant to see. It's not my fault she decided to become utterly reckless and jump that cliff. She's fine as you can see." Athena didn't see the big deal as Bella wasn't her priority and she's only seen what she's meant to prevent. She didn't understand why Alice was being so hostile towards her. It wasn't her responsibility.

"You're suppose to protect her."

Athena scoffed, "I'm suppose to protect all humans. I have done nothing but protect her. I don't understand why you're getting angry at me. I didn't see her jump so how was I suppose to stop it. My world doesn't revolve around her and I can't always protect her."

"I promised Edward that no harm would come to her."

Athena glared at the pixie, "You promised him. I don't owe him anything. I did all that I could. I lost a dear friend today and I can't even mourn because Bella decided she wanted to see Edward. Stop making me feel bad about caring for others and fulfilling my duty. You want to protect her, do it yourself." Before Alice could reply, she was sucked into another vision. When she returned to reality, she turned to face Bella.

"Edward is going to kill himself."

"Why?" Bella asked in shock, tears slowly brimming in her eyes.

"He thinks you're dead. He's going to go the Volturi and ask them to kill him but they refuse him so he's going to make a scene in front of the human."

"I'm going with you," Bella stated. She ran up the stairs to get some clothes and her passport.

Alice turned to face the brunette, sighing, "I'm guessing you're not coming."

"As I said, I don't owe him anything. If she wants to get herself killed by saving him, she can. He's not mine to save and I sure as hell isn't putting myself in danger for someone as selfish as him. He can go to hell for all I care. I'm done with their drama and I hope they both know, I don't care anymore."

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