Chapter 3 Difficult Diagnosis

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Several painful turns and stops later they were at the hotel. "Dean do you need help?" Sam's voice reached her.

"No, I think she's out." Dean said as he started lifting her out of the back.

"I'm not. Where the hell do you think you're taking me?" She grunted.

"Inside, where we're going to take care of you." Dean said as though it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"I can take care of myself." Pushing herself up she gasped. Suddenly Dean's very large, very warm hand was on her chin picking it up so he could look her in the eye. "Don't even think about it." Dean smirked and pulled his finger back that was headed for her ribs. Like she hadn't seen that coming. Right.

"So you are hurting worse than we thought. My bet is that you have some busted ribs right? Maybe a dislocated shoulder. You ain't taking care of yourself. We saved you from those woods and we owe you the responsibility of making sure you're well." So she was in his arms again trying not to tense with every bump and step Dean took. She scowled at him crossing her arms carefully as he carried her in the room.

"You obviously know us but we don't know you." Sam greeted her. The taller Winchester watched as Dean gently placed her on the couch. She laid back and closed her eyes. Dean sat on the table in front of the couch and stared at her thinking before putting a hand on her stomach.

"Told you, don't want your help." She muttered trying to get Dean's hand off her stomach/ribs. Grimacing he pushed a little and she got more frantic. Seeing that, Sam made his way over. Blue eyes stared at Dean as he pushed her. "Dean." Sam said and his brother took away his hand.

"She's seriously banged up Sammy." Dean's eyes never left hers.

"I told you I'm fine." She went to get up but this time it was Sam who stopped her.

"Look you're not fine and you haven't told us anything. Just stay and let us help you. Then we'll let you go on your merry way." Neither brother really intended to let that happen but they wouldn't say that. Her grimace and sigh finally gave them their answer.

"Mild concussion, several possible bruised or cracked ribs and some minor cuts and bruises. Done. Happy?" She glared at them her hands staying at her sides.

"You forgot dislocated shoulder." Dean added. She waved him off. But Dean came forward anyway and started unzipping her jacket.

"What the hell?" She tried to move but Dean took her hand and pushed back on it. He knew exactly which one he was pressing on. Her entire arm buckled as she hissed in pain.

"Sam we're treating her the best we can. Don't let her up." Dean's grimace was on his face as he unzipped her jacket and pulled it off her good arm. Then he gently worked it off the other arm. All she had on underneath was a black long sleeved underarmour shirt. She had thought she was going to be cold apparently. Sam looked at Dean and they gingerly picked her up and moved her to a bed. Sam straddled her holding down her torso and legs as well as keeping a grip on her arm and uninjured shoulder to make sure it stayed uninjured.

"This is going to hurt like a bitch." Dean said before pushing. She inhaled sharply and tensed but didn't scream or swear as Dean or Sam would have. The next task was to check her bruising, head and ribs. Sam helped her sit up and pull up her shirt. Dean heated water to clean some of her cuts while Sam examined her head.

"So what's your name?" Sam asked again.

"I don't intend to be around long enough for it to matter Sam." She deadpanned and winced as he hit a sore spot on her scalp.

"Then I'll just have to keep you around until it does matter." Sam smiled but she didn't. "Dean I need some ice for some real nasty bruises."

"I got it Sammy." Dean came in with a plastic bag full of crushed ice and a bowl full of luke warm water and a washcloth. "It's not an icepack but it should do the trick. Make sure to clean it out well." Dean was cleaning his wounds before he had to go deal with her ribs. His shoulders were a tad sore but nothing compared to what they would have been.

"You saved us back there you know. We might not be around if you hadn't interfered." She grunted as he hit another sore spot. "Sorry." Sam was desperately trying to start a conversation as he tried to clean out the cut on her head but she was having none of it.

"Sam, time to clean up." Dean motioned over his shoulder to the sink. Dean brought in a fresh bowl of water and washcloth. "Lay back. Come on we have to see how bad your ribs are." She was tired and it felt so good to have someone else take care of her. It was a dangerous feeling that could compromise her. But she did what Dean said anyway too tired to fight him every single step of the way.

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