Chapter 17 Twenty Question Car Ride

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“Come on I don’t have all day.” Tyler yelled from the driver’s seat of the mustang when Sam and Dean finally made it to the cars.

“We’re coming! We just don’t go as fast as you do after a massive fight.” Dean snapped back.

“Fine. Whatever. Take all the time you need. The authorities will be showing up sometime soon.” Tyler growled. Things were a little tense and nobody really understood why except for Tyler. Of that Sam was sure.

“Alright! Alright! We’re going! Sam get in the girl’s car. She’s impatient.” Dean put his hands up in surrender as Sam slid in the passenger side of the mustang. Dean slammed the door of the impala and Tyler was pulling out. She waited for him at the entrance of the parking lot before heading off towards the motel.

“Can I ask you something?” Sam finally asked not being able to stand the silence.

“This had better not turn into twenty questions but yeah go ahead.” Tyler said not looking at him once.

“You saved us from the wendigo and helped us out of the forest even though you knew who we were and you clearly didn’t want to get involved with us.” Sam said taking pause.

“That’s a statement not a question Sam.” Tyler said wryly still not sending Sam a single glance.

“Why’d you do it? Why’d you get involved?” Sam knew there were more important questions but that felt like the right one to ask. He knew he hit a button when she stiffened in her seat. He was about to take the question back but she beat him to it.

“Because you’re important Sam. You Winchesters are important to this place and your father would have killed me if I hadn’t saved you okay? But John Winchester is not one I fear. He’s not the reason I did it.” She seemed to struggle with herself. Sam could almost tell there were words that she wanted to say but hadn’t.

“How’d you know John?” Sam had a few more minutes until they reached the motel he figured while she was in the sharing mood he’d get his money’s worth.

“Ran across him on a hunt.” She chuckled. “Told him to get out of town if he knew what was good for him and he told me that I didn’t know what I was dealing with. Playing the part of the innocent girl was hard but I ‘followed’ his directions and ran into him again while I was chasing the thing. Introduced myself and as they say the rest was history.” She concluded with almost a smile.

“So John didn’t train you?” Sam asked almost disappointed.

“No.” Was all she said. It was a short answer compared to her others and apparently she didn’t want to talk about it anymore.

“How much about us do you know?” Sam asked next almost wary.

“Everything. You’ve got demon blood in you. You exorcize demons with your mind. Dean’s been to hell and back. Castiel ripped him from the fiery pit.” She shrugged. She really knew everything but how? Sam was about to ask when she stopped him again. “I know you’re going to ask how but don’t ok? I have my sources like every other hunter. Mine just happen to be... better.”

“Alright. Fair enough.” Sam paused and licked his lips. He knew he had to ask the next question but he really didn’t want to.

“Sam you’re quiet. Did you finally run out of questions?” Tyler teased him. She was tense but she was trying to relieve the tension for Sam. She knew what question was coming next. Or at least where all questions lead. The same answer. She also knew Sam might understand if anyone did.

“No, I know what I want to ask.” Sam chuckled knowing she was trying to diffuse the tension. “I saw that tattoo on your back. At least part of it. What is it?” She paused and opened her mouth to respond but no sound came out. Truth was she didn’t know what was on her back.

“Well here I thought I had it all covered up.” She laughed but Sam felt that it was forced. “It’s a personal tattoo. Not something I show people.” Sam waited for her to continue but she didn’t. She’d been so open with him he wondered why she’d shut him out all of a sudden.

“I saw the top of it. Looked like feathers. It looked really well done.” Sam pressed again. She just nodded. “The black outline was a great idea. I mean I don’t know what it is but I’d really like to see it.” Sam tried again. Tyler almost seemed to ignore him.

“We’re here.” Tyler said pulling into a parking space and almost sending Sam through the windshield. Then before he could say anything she was out and through the door of the motel.

Tyler ran to the bathroom as soon as she was inside the room and locked the door. Don’t want the boys to know what the hell this is before I do. Ripping off her shirt she turned around and looked in the mirror.

“Oh shit...” Sam was right. Black outlined feathers. All those feathers? They formed fucking wings. On her back. HER BACK. The tips of the wings reached her shoulder blades and met at the middle of her spine fanning out into wings completely full of outlined feathers. It was a gorgeous tattoo but it was on her back! “This can’t be happening!”

“Tyler are you okay in there?” Dean yelled through the door. Shit.

Most of you probably have a good idea of what she is. But why?

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