Chapter 19 Boy's Lightbulb Moment

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Tyler laughed and Dean stared up at her. “Do even know how many times you’ve used that line on the poor unsuspecting people who don’t know what they saw?” Dean blushed and Sam laughed a bit.

“Alright so we see a lot of weird. There’s not much that can freak us out. Though I have to say Dean getting ghost sickness was weird.” Sam grinned. Dean sent him a scowl while Tyler chuckled.

“Oh so you think it’s funny?” Dean challenged her teasingly.

“Actually I do. I have to say hearing about Sam dragging that ghost around made me laugh. But Dean, oh my. I wish I would have been there to see it. I was about ten minutes away when Bobby called to tell me everything was all right.” She chuckled. “Damn bastard called me in to do damn research.”

“Wait a second.” Sam said not sure if he’d heard her right. “Bobby called you for research? Bobby Singer?” She raised an eyebrow and nodded slowly like he was a dumb child she was trying to impress an idea upon.

“Is there any part of hunting you’re not good at?” Dean groaned.

“Of course there is. No hunter is perfect. As no monster is perfect. You just have to wait for them to slip up and cover your tracks.” She shrugged. “That’s why we are going to find this demon and send him back to the brimstone pit.”

“And how exactly are you planning on doing that?” Sam asked.

“By drawing him out. Offering him something that he can’t refuse.” She said staring at the carpet.

“Want to share? Or should we guess.” Dean’s snarky comment made her look up at him, but her face was a mask that lacked emotion.

“Sam I know you’re going to think I’m crazy but you’re the closest demon blood I have.” Sam couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He’d managed to put that part behind him and now she wanted his blood for it’s demon qualities?

“What the hell for?” Dean exclaimed probably as surprised as Sam. Neither brother liked being surprised. It was part of the job description.

“No Dean. Why should we trust you? You still haven’t told us what you are.” Sam said.

“I’m a freak Sam. We could almost be siblings.” She said her voice tinted with sorrow.

“What do you mean siblings?” Sam’s question held both fear and curiosity.

“Curiosity killed the cat Sam.” She said. “I’m begging you, just leave and let me be.” Dean wanted to know just as bad as Sam.

“Quit talking in riddles! You’re almost as bad as the damn angels!” Dean said. Her mask flickered and she took a deep shuttering breath. Sam looked up and stared at her hard. She met his eyes but they were the same crystal blue, just harder. Almost sharper like she had just woken up.

“You figured it out. Didn’t you.” Tyler looked at Sam. Sam felt like he couldn’t move. Her eyes seemed to stare right through him. Trapping him. Like she saw his very soul. His twisted mangled soul.

“Sam, what is this bitch talking about?” Dean saw what was happening and he felt left out.

“In a sense you and I are siblings as well Dean. Plans. That’s what they say isn’t it? They have plans for you. Work that needs done.” She said as she looked at Dean understanding in her eyes. Suddenly Dean’s eyes widened in understanding.

“You lied to us. You said you were fully human!” Dean accused. His eyes flared in anger.

“I am human. I never said how human Dean.” She said her voice never wavering from the monotone she was using.

“You’re not one of Azazel’s. They were all killed! I’m the only survivor.” Dean looked at Sam like he was crazy.

“What are you talking about Sammy? She’s been called on by the angels. What’d you think she was part demon?” Dean sounded so sure of himself.

“No, she has demon blood in her. The powers, it makes sense Dean.” Sam argued.

“You’re both right.” Sam and Dean looked at Tyler like she was crazy. “Well at least partially.”

“And what exactly does that mean?” Dean questioned, clearly expecting an answer right away.

“I am not fully human.” Sam could see she was forcing the words past her lips. Dean could see the amount of will power it was taking her to tell them.

“We knew that part Ty.” Sam’s voice was gentle and encouraging.

“It’s not the blood of any demon that flows through my veins.” She grimaced and stopped her jaw looking like it was locked.

“Look Tyler, I promise you we won’t react until you tell us the whole story.” Dean prodded gently.

“I’m not even sure how far this, whatever this is goes.” She paused but closed her eyes tight and continued. “It started with the pain. Feelings. Things reacted to my presence. I started getting stronger and faster. I didn’t have anyone to turn to. My parents were already dead. My baby brother and sister, murdered by demons.” Tyler turned her face but Dean could have sworn he saw a tear fall down her cheek.

“I was all alone and they abandoned me. Long story short I learned that one of the angels learned about what Azazel was doing and tried to replicate it. Only it didn’t work quite like they were hoping.” She shook her head and licked her lips before squeezing them together in anger. “I’m the result.”

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