Chapter 13 Fight Loosing Control

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Dean’s first punch flew through empty space as Tyler was gone before it even came close to her. She was lightly bouncing now, her knees bent hands relaxed at her sides the smile never left her face. Dean’s smug grin had fallen but was back in place as he tried again. This time sending a her a quick left jab that was aimed at her shoulder. She blocked him effortlessly using the forearm of her other side to shove herself by him.

“Come on Dean, you’re not even trying.” She taunted as she danced away from him again. Sam could tell she was just trying to get under his skin, but clearly Dean couldn’t because he just muttered something under his breath that seemed to make her chuckle. “You’d better be grateful that I don’t take offense to that.” Dean stared at her surprise etched into his features.

“You couldn’t have heard that...” Dean whispered. Sam hadn’t heard what Dean said but Tyler was closer than him. He did think it was odd that she had caught what Dean had said but he didn’t get to think about it anymore. Tyler had moved with blinding speed and had taken Dean down.

She stood over Dean for a second before backing off. Dean pushed himself up with one arm and grunted as he stood. Sam realized how hard he had landed on the ground but he couldn’t worry about Dean, he would be fine and Sam knew better than to fuss. Something about Tyler just set Sam’s inner ‘supernatural’ sensor off. Looking at Dean the two boys communicated silently.

“That was impressive.” Sam said as he finally looked back to Tyler, only to see her observing him and Dean.

“I told you I could take him.” She grinned but both Sam and Dean could see the wary expression behind her fake smile.

“Not what I meant.” Sam said giving her a small reassuring smile. Tyler looked at him the fake smile melting off her face. She moved away from the wall she had been leaning against.

“Time to go Sam.” She walked towards the door stopping and waiting for him, her back to the brothers.

“Ty, it’s barely eight.” Sam said confused.

“Recon you idjit.” She deadpanned. “We’re taking my car. Dean, follow us in the Impala and be ready to kick some ass if it gets Sam. If it just tries to take me let it, and take care of my car.” Her monotone was kicking Dean over the edge.

“No, we are going to talk about this plan. We aren’t going in until you let us in on what’s going on.” He said shutting the door she had opened while talking to them. She let him shut the door and step in front of her to lean against it and keep her from opening it.

“We can’t in good conscience let a demon kidnap you.” Sam said trying to calm Dean down and get Tyler to spill her plan.

“Why the hell not? If I was a man and not a woman you wouldn’t hesitate to send me in.” She snapped. Dean couldn’t decide if she was bipolar or what. “You two are so irritating!” She grabbed her head between her hands and Sam looked at Dean a little worried. “Everything is under control. Control. Control. Control.”

Then things started to get weird. She started chanting in another language. While Sam could read Latin he couldn’t understand other languages. He caught snips of words he recognized but he didn’t recognize the spell.

“Dean?” Sam said slightly worried. “What’s going on?” Dean looked at him just as bewildered.

“I don’t know Sammy, I never dealt with anything like this when I was with Dad!” He said his voice partially raised. As she chanted wind was ruffling her hair and the hoodie she had on. As she kept chanting the wind began to concentrate around her and began to blow faster almost becoming tangible.

“Should we stop her?” Sam had to yell to Dean who was trying to make his way to his brother.

“I don’t think we can anymore Sam!” Dean said finally getting past her. Tyler was now crouched on the ground with her head between her hands and her knees to her forehead. Suddenly she fell forward onto her knees and the wind stopped completely leaving it eerily quiet except for Tyler’s gasps. Neither of the Winchesters moved and Tyler stared at the floor not looking at them even as her breathing slowed down.

Nobody spoke but Sam and Dean stared at Tyler waiting to see what would happen. Dean held a gun but he wasn’t sure how much use it would be. Sam had a silver knife. Tyler stood up with her back to the brothers knowing she was probably about to be killed.

“Dean?” Sam asked quietly. Slowly she turned to face them. Dean was looking at his brother and shaking his head looking at Tyler as if he was waiting to see what she was going to do.

“What is going on Tyler?” She opened her mouth but no words came out. This can’t be happening. Nobody has ever found out! I just let probably the two most capable hunters on this damn planet know that I’m not entirely human! Can I talk my way out of this? Or should I just make a run for it and hope to get away alive?

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