Chapter 7 Debrief You On Your Way Out

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“Where’s my shirt?” Tyler asks them both her voice dangerously low.

“Over on the couch. You know a little less hostility would be nice on your part. We did treat you all night.” She looked back at Sam like he was kidding. “If you ever want to talk, we’ll be happy to listen.” Sam said as both brothers watched her put on her shirt and morotcycle jacket.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She practically ran for the door before turning around. “Keys.” It was a demand. Sam looked at Dean who put his hands in his pockets but didn’t find them.

“Why don’t you stay awhile and we can find them in the mean time.” Dean grinned as he got up from the bed and headed towards the kitchen casually.

“Dean Winchester, you get your ass back here and give me my keys. I don’t want to stay, especially with two boys who roofied me.” She glared at Sam.

“Hey! There was no roofying involved!” Sam tried to defend himself.

“Aw come on, last night you were begging us not to leave.” Dean smirked when she whirled to glare at him. How much does he know? Oh shit oh shit! I never should have let them take me with them! “You’re probably not even fully healed.” Dean shrugged pouring two glasses of water and handing one to Tyler, the smug smirk still on his face

“You have no responsibility towards me! I’m fine. Just give me my keys and I’ll be out of your hair ok?” Blue eyes clashed with green before Dean pulled her keys out of his pocket. She glared at him snatching them from his grasp.

“Sam, Dean, it was hell meeting you. Goodbye.” With that she headed for the door.

“You can’t actually expect us to let you leave. You had a concussion, bruised ribs and a host of other injuries. They can’t all have healed overnight.” Sam said as all six foot four of him stood in her way.

“Don’t make me move you Sam.” She growled fed up with them. “This is exactly why I avoided you and told Ellen and Jo not to say anything about me. And Bobby and Daniel always telling me to find you and help you! Your father was the worst!” She knew exactly what buttons she had pushed on Sam and managed to get by him but she had forgotten about Dean.

“They knew about you all along? I mean I know Ellen didn’t tell us about any other hunters but Bobby never mentioned teaming up with anybody.” Dean blocked the door as Sam came back to help him.

“How long ago did you know Daniel?” Sam asked standing behind her.

“Why does that matter?” When Sam put a hand on her shoulder she tensed. “A long time ago.”

“Daniel is dead Tyler.” Sam said.

“What?” She walked over to the wall and stared at it before continuing. “How?” The way she said it was more of a statement than a question but Dean answered bluntly.

“Killed by vampires.” She looked at him incredulously. “He was reaching for a gun when they got him. We killed some of them later but we didn’t get them all.” Tyler started to pace the room.

“You’ve got to be kidding me! He swore...” Tyler stopped and ran a hand over her face. “You two are loads of fun aren’t you. Do you always do this to all the hunters you meet? Kidnap them, give them news and sleep with them? Or is it just me?” She glared at them from across the room.

“Hey, you didn’t want us to leave last night.” Dean said. “As far as I’m concerned you asked for what you got.” He stayed leaning against the door.

“You drugged me.” She sneered at Dean.

“Sam did it.” Dean accused pointing to his brother.

“Real nice Dean.” Sam said as she stalked towards him. He put his hands up before he continued. “Look it was to help you.”

“Really? Because I don’t think it was.” She stalked towards him forcing him to back up. When his back hit the wall she shoved him hard.

“Don’t you dare hurt him.” Dean’s growl split the air.

“I wouldn’t hurt Sammy. Wouldn’t hurt you either Dean.” With that she left Sam at the wall and headed for the door. When she got to Dean she stood facing off with him. “Get out of my way Winchester.”

“First who was Daniel to you?” Dean asked.

“My mentor. Now get out of my way. I won’t say it again.” Dean moved aside begrudgingly. She walked out free and clear, got in her car and drove away leaving tire marks on the pavement. The silence that followed was heavy as the brothers stood there.

“Dean, we just let her drive off.” Sam said.

“I know.” Dean growled.

“Dean, she’s gone.”

“I know!” Dean whirled on Sam letting some of his frustration out. Suddenly sighing and rubbing his face with his hand Dean continued.“Just let it go Sammy. Just let it go.” They searched for traces of her for a week but found nothing. So after a week went by they couldn’t keep chasing after her and they let her go. Moving on to their next case which happened to deal with some disappearances and drownings.

Thanks goes out to carajade21 without whom I was considering abandoning this piece!

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