Chapter 8 Found Bait

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Meanwhile she was already at the site learning a few things. She wasn’t having much luck but she knew they all had something to do with the boy and the lake. But the woman was getting in her way. Tyler couldn’t get near the boy to ask him any questions. It was frustrating because she knew the Winchester boys were coming. She’d asked every one of her contacts to keep her informed of their whereabouts.

She was hoping to have gotten this bust done but something wasn’t right about it. The men who were daring to venture to the lake were drowning and turning up. Where the women who were have said to have gone to the lake were disappearing. Something really wasn’t adding up. Of course that’s why she was here in the first place.

Tyler needed to clear her head. That’s when it hit her. I can be bait! I felt like I needed a swim anyway. And that thing needs something a little harder to chew on. With that she went towards the car. Her mustang came into view as she was planning what weapons she could take with her and then she saw them. Sam and Dean? What are they doing here! They weren’t supposed to be here for another day or two! Damn!

Dean saw her car and immediately pointed it out to Sam and they investigated. Tyler had seen them and was hiding in the trees waiting for them to split so she could get to her car and finish her plan and leave.

“Dean, shouldn’t we go investigate this thing?” Sam asked as Dean sat by her car and waited for her.

“No, she’ll be back before long. And if she’s not then we know she has a good lead. Besides you really think she’d leave her car for very long? She put work into this baby, trust me Sam she’ll be back.” Dean said as he lounged on the hood of the car. Then Sam grinned.

“Dean, what if we just hurry it up a little bit?” Sam went to the Impala and got the lock picking equipment. Dean grinned like a little kid in a candy store. Tyler stood behind the trees glaring daggers at them. Finally she decided enough was enough when they were trying to unlock her car.

“Back away from the car Winchester.” She snarled coming up behind them. Neither one jumped but they did turn around little smirks on both of their faces.

“I told you she was around.” Dean grinned at Sam. Sam simply chuckled.

“But I came up with the plan to get her out in the open.” Sam grinned bigger and crossed his arms.

“Get away from my damn car you bastards!” She finally growled whipping out a pistol.

“Whoa!” Dean put his hands in the air and slowly backed away from the car. Sam followed his lead. “Look we just want to talk about what’s going on here. We know you’re here investigating.”

“And we figure since we’re here we may as well work together on this.” Sam added. “So why don’t you just put the gun down and we can talk about this.” His six foot four frame towered over her but she didn’t bat an eye. Sam measured her at maybe five foot six. A very intimidating five foot six.

“Why the hell would I want to work with you?” She tucked her gun into the back of her jeans and opened the car door stepping partway in.

“Because we can protect you.” Sam quickly answered her question. Obviously the wrong answer because she scowled at him.

“You think I need protecting?” She shook her head then chuckled darkly. “Tell you what, I’ll work this one job with you and then you tell me if I need protection Sam.” Then she continued under her breath. “All you hunters are all the same.” With that she ducked in her car and revved the engine. “Do you need an engraved invitation?” She asked when they didn’t move. Both ran to the Impala and as soon as they were in she was off with them right on her tail.

Reaching the aforementioned lake Tyler pulled over and turned off the car. Reaching back she pulled open the box. Stupid bikinis. And men. Especially male ghosts. And Winchester men. Yes especially them. They’re the reason I have to put this damn thing on again. Stupid, stupid, stupid!

“Alright so what’s the deal here?” Dean asked as they pulled up beside her.

“Yeah it’s called bait and wait.” She smirked taking off her seat belt and maneuvering into the back seat without too much trouble.

“So who’s the bait?” Sam asked as Dean turned off the Impala.

“And what the hell are we looking for?” Tyler stuck her head out the front bikini top in her hand. Dean’s eyes flashed between her and the shred of clothing before getting really wide. Sam was on his lap top so he didn’t really notice.

“I’m the bait and we’re looking for a water spirit or demon.” When Sam looked over he blushed but raised his eyebrows at her uncertainty. “I couldn’t get to all the information I wanted. People here are... stubborn.” With that she was back in the back seat of her mustang. “Don’t you dare look, either of you!” She growled as Dean went to get out of the car.

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