Chapter 6 Drugged Happenings

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“Dean?” She sounded scared. “Sam?” Sam’s name came seconds later. It made both boys smile. “Are you going to leave?” Her eyes were wide with anxious fear as she asked them the dreaded question. But Dean didn’t hesitate.

“I’m not going anywhere.” Both looked at Sam. Tyler’s stare, pleading. Dean’s stare, one of warning.

“Staying right here with you Tyler.” Sam said. “But I am going to go put some pj’s on ok?” She nodded. And Dean held her as she drifted off to sleep again. He smells like leather and sulfur. Is that beer? And something else there that’s just Dean. Then Dean was trying to pull her off him. “Come here Tyler.” Sam was saying. All she could do was look at Dean pleading in her eyes.

“I promise I’ll be right back.” Dean whispered. Finally she let go and Sam pulled her close. To Sam she was like a dwarf. She smelled of pine trees, ash, vanilla and vaguely Sam recognized Dean’s scent on her. But she smelled like wilderness, and a hunter. She was heavier than she looked being all muscle much like Dean and him. To top it all off she was gorgeous. Sam couldn’t forget Jess but she wasn’t like her. She knew what she was getting into hunting with them. And she was more than prepared to take anything Sam could bring.

“Sam?” Her voice sounded sleepy as she called for him.

“I’m here Tyler.” Sam held her closer.

“Am I weak?” The way she looked at him wasn’t pleading or pitiful. She wanted the truth. What he really thought.

“No. You’re not weak. You are strong and smart.” Dean’s voice broke in. Then the bed dipped down and he was sitting right beside Sam. “Needing someone every once in a while doesn’t make you weak.” Sam mouthed ‘pot calling the kettle black’ at Dean for that one. She smiled and Sam put her on the bed. She looked at them both a drugged smile on her face.

“Don’t leave me...” And she was out. Dean sighed but put his arm around her.

“Dude!” Sam whisper yelled at Dean.

“What? It’s not like she minds. And if it stops her from screaming in the middle of the... day... then that means fewer questions.” Dean put his other arm behind his head and she moved right into his chest. “Plus we promised Sammy.” Dean grinned.

“Damn you.” Sam said under his breath before he laid down next to her. He put his hand on her head. She snuggled back into Sam some before falling into a deep sleep.

Hours later the boys were asleep right next to her. Dean, spooning her and Sam, well he was still right next to her too. So when she woke up between the two very warm, very big solid bodies it was a good thing she was still groggy. Trying to sit up she found herself held down by two heavy arms. One arm of Sam’s around her waist the other belonging to Dean resting heavily on her shoulder. Then she felt Dean. Oh. My. God. He’s spooning me! Get off! Get off! Get off! Get off!

“Sam... Dean... Get off of me.” She spit out between clenched teeth. How the hell did I get into this mess? I don’t remember anything past that damn drink... shit! Sam I am going to kill you! “Sam Winchester! Remove your hand from my hip! Dean get your filthy hands off me!” She yelled causing both boys to startle awake and roll away from her.

“Well aren’t we chipper this morning.” Dean says rubbing his eyes and slowly sits up only to find Tyler glaring at him. His member twitched in his jeans at the sight of her. Hair mussed her blue eyes lit with fire. And downright pissed. It reminded Dean of angry sex. A thought he would have to get back to later because he was currently facing a very angry, very lethal hunter. And he and Sam were the ones to piss her off. Great.

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