Chapter 4 Caretakers Or Interrogators

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“Tyler.” She whispered as Dean tried to feel around her ribs her underarmour getting in the way. It compressed her torso which was good usually but at times like this it frustrated her.

“What?” Dean asked absentmindedly. “Can you take this off? I’m rusty at this and that extra layer isn’t helping.” She nodded a faint pink coming to her cheeks as Dean helped her pull it up over her good arm and off the other ever so gingerly leaving her in her sports bra. “Now what did you say?” He asked as his hands touched the skin of her stomach.

“Tyler. My name is Tyler.” His hands were surprisingly gentle as they felt her ribs. He was trying not to hurt her more than she was already.

“Pretty name for a pretty girl.” She glared at him like she was trying to melt a hole in his head. Dean noticed the bruising that started on her back but he was sure she didn’t have any fractured ribs. “Looks like you’re just bruised. Not that it won’t hurt anyway. You managed to do a number on yourself Tyler.”

“So, how do you know who we are?” Sam asked leaning against the doorframe obviously back from cleaning his own injuries. Dean didn’t say a word, he just got up and pulled a chair up to her bed and sat waiting for her to answer Sam.

“You can’t honestly expect me to just tell you my life story because you ask. I don’t owe you two anything.” She pushed herself back so she was resting against the headboard slowly wincing as she used her injured shoulder.

“Yeah, you do. We patched you up and got you down the mountain safely.” Dean said slightly miffed. When she didn’t answer Dean decided to use a different approach. “Alright. So we know you have a little bit of skill.” She scoffed at that. “And you can shoot a gun at least decently.” Dean smirked at her reactions. She was tired and weak, and since she wasn’t sharing information willingly then they’d just have to take advantage of what they could.

“You also know about Wendigos and my guess is a lot more of the stuff that goes bump in the night.” Sam added coming over to her bed and covering her with a blanket after helping her back to the mattress of the bed. Giving her a drink of warm milk Sam moved to sit on the other bed on the opposite side of Dean. “Amateur hunter?” Sam asked catching on to Dean’s plan. Smirking as he watched her drink. She was tired enough not to notice the mixture of drugs he put in. And the milk was laced with beer which should loosen her tongue, though the whole concussion thing might not be good now that the brothers thought of it.

“Amateur? You must be crazy.” Looking at the empty cup and then suspiciously looking from Dean to Sam. “What did you put in this?” Sam frowned and took the glass from her as she blinked trying to focus.

“Dean, how much would you say she weighs?” Sam asked as they made sure she wasn’t going to retch. Sam knew women didn't have the alcohol tolerance men did but he didn't think he had put THAT much beer in there.

“Maybe 120 lbs. She isn’t fat if that’s what you’re asking. Though I do get the feeling that she doesn’t drink much Sammy boy.” Dean said with a small grin following his brother's thoughts. “What the hell did you put in there?” Sam grinned with him as she drifted off some, murmuring to herself.

“Lot’s of painkillers. I checked to make sure the relaxant wouldn’t mix with the pain killers.” Sam shrugged as he told Dean. Then to the boys surprise she started talking.

“The Wendigos in this area were really bad. They were taking a lot of people and the townsfolk, they are so scared of the forest none of them would venture inside. In fact the rangers didn’t go in at night. So the Wendigos were running out of food so they began coming into town. People were just vanishing. So I came here. I found them and hunted  them down. Knew I had to be really careful because there were so many. You know I developed those bullets because I couldn’t fire fast enough with the flare guns?” She grinned nodding off again.

“Tyler, you can’t sleep yet. Come on just a few more hours then you can sleep.” Dean called and her eyes fluttered open only to stare pitifully at him.

“You put sleeping medicine in that.” She accused. Dean looked at Sam. Something was different about her now but neither Sam nor Dean could explain what.

“No, I didn’t. Just stuff to kill the pain.” Sam said putting a hand on her forehead. “No fever Dean.” Dean just nodded. She was quiet and didn’t seem inclined to talk anymore. But the brothers understood how much pain could wear a person out.

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