I Wanna Sleep Next To You

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Chapter Song: TALK ME DOWN - Troye Sivan


Chapter 60:

(Kerri's POV)

My stress level has skyrocketed since we entered. Hopefully some alcohol can wash some of it away.

Diana and I sit at the bar turned towards each other with our hands wrapped around a cold glass.

"We both need to just drop everything for the night and relax. The stress has been piled high here lately and we need to let loose," Diana lets out her speech with feeling like no other.

I laugh at her attempt to be serious.

She shakes her head and lifts the cup to her mouth.

"Someone has to be sober enough to drive home Diana."

She shakes her head and waves her hand to me.

Oh good Lord.

A few minutes later she sets the cup on the bar harshly and looks at me. She's already buzzed, there goes my free night.

Next time she has to drive home.

She downs the rest of her drink and looks at me with a mischievous smile.

She gets up from the chair and pulls my hand. Just as I get into a standing position my phone begins to ring.

Her eyes go wide. Grey wouldn't call, chill Diana.

She releases my hand and continues out into the crowd of dancing people.

I grab my phone from my bra and find that Justin was the caller.

If I answer it he will wonder what all the noise is. However if I don't answer it he will continue to call and probably come find me, somehow, someway.

I click answer and move towards the door clutching my purse.

I press the phone to my ear and answer when I get outside," hey there."

"Hey Kerri, what's up?" He sounds frustrated and irritated.

I shrug despite the fact that he can't see me right now.

The cold wind hits my bare freshly shaven legs.

"I uh, nothing much. How about you? Anything interesting?" I tried to act as happy and warm as possible. My acting skills weren't the best though. Thank god he hadn't face timed me instead.

He sighs and begins," just laid down. A bit tired actually."

"Hey uhm is that cars I hear?"


I mentally cursed every one of the loud drivers around me.

"Yeah, I decided to take a walk."

I move back and forth on my heels, anxiously waiting for him to get done talking.

There was a moment of silence before he spoke again," we still on for tomorrow night or should we take a rain check?"

"We are still good." My reply was short. I saw out of the corner of my eye that Diana was walking towards me with a guy on her.

She was definitely more drunk than when I had left her. She stumbled towards me," look what I found Ker.. hot guys everywhere girlie."

Can I shoot you?

"Kerri?" Justin questioned cautiously," where are you?"

Fuck. My. Life.

He sighed into the phone," Kerri please promise me that you will stay sober."

I glared at Diana and waved her off. He's not upset for me lying to him? I'd be furious.

"I promise. I have to drive, don't worry."

There was a loud honk beside me and I saw Grey in his black car. I am so ready for the drama to disappear and take Grey with it.

I rolled my eyes at his sudden appearance. I did not want to get into this right now.

"Good. And Kerri?" Justin asks very fragile-like.

I turned my back towards Grey and his car. Can't he disappear?

Why does he choose to torture me? I wish he would find some other girl's life to destroy. And some other girl's mind to scramble up and confuse.

"Yes?" I finally reply to Justin.

"Be careful. I don't wish for anything to happen to you. I really do care for you Kerri," he answers with passion. I could hear the care and kindness laced between his words and tied between every letter that makes up those words.

I smile and run my fingers through my hair," I know you do. And I promise to be careful."

"Okay.. bye darling."


I end the call and turn around to see that Grey was standing right behind me with his hands in his pockets.

Damn you.

I roll my eyes and walk off, shoving my phone into my bra.

I make it to the door but Grey pulls me backwards and presses his lips to mine.

I am shocked so I don't move. When I register what's actually happening I pull away and shove at his chest.

"Get the Fuck off me!" I yell angrily.

The bouncer walks over with his deep New York City-like accent," there a problem ma'am?"

I shake my head and walk into the club.

Fuck staying sober, I'll call a cab later.

Why do I let him ruin my life? Why does me always have this effect on me? He cannot figure out what the hell he wants!!!

I wish he'd just-

"Whoa there!" The large guy in front of my shouts. I found myself speed running… right into a guy.

"I am so sorry!!" He exclaims, straightening his clothes a bit and grasping my shoulder to make sure I was okay.

I adjust my dress and look at the drop dead gorgeous six foot man in front of me. Hot. Fucking. Damn.

When my hazel eyes meet his icy blue ones my face heats up like a flame.

"I-I- uh, it was my fault. I wasn't watching where I was going. N-no worries." Kerri, gather yourself. I straighten my posture that had fallen due to the weakening of my knees. His dark skin tone made his bright blue eyes pop out more than they were naturally.

He smiles at my fumbling and takes my hand," I think You need a drink you look pissed. May I?"

Yes. Yes. Yes. Anything to erase my Grey drama. It's funny how I went a few years without the worry of Grey's ridiculous actions and now out of no where I automatically have to put up with his shit again.

"Hello?" A hand is waved in my face," would you like a drink?"

I nod and smile before following the handsome man towards the bar area.

Do we like or not? The guy who is buying her a drink now will not come into play again until a couple of chapters later nor will he play a huge role until then. After that, he will help guide Kerri to find all of Justin's hidden secrets. I hope you enjoyed since I took forever to get the last 300 words typed. Love you though. Thanks for reading!!

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