My Improv-A-Ganza

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*Phone ringing*

Stacy: Hello

Ryan: Hi Stacy

Stacy: Oh hey

Ryan: Ok so im calling because I wanted to know if you want to be on the show tonight?

Stacy: Sure!

Ryan: Alrighty. Just be here before 7

Stacy: Ok bye

Ryan: bye

*hangs up phone*

Stacy: Mom, uncle Ryan invited me to do Improv-A-Ganza with him tonight, can you drive me there?

Mom: Okay what time do you have to be there?

Stacy: Before 7. So like 6:30-ish.

Mom: Alright. Go get ready

Stacy: I was planing on it.

(I ran upstairs and hopped in the shower. AfterI was done in the shower, I got my nicest shirt out, and a pair of pants. I went downstairs and we left)

Mom: Oh I see your not wearing make-up

Stacy: They will do it there, hopefully..

Mom: Oh ok

(About 20 minutes of driving we finally got to the MGM Hotel. I got out of the car and ran inside. I walked around for a while trying to find Ryan, until I saw Colin talking to Drew)

Stacy: Hey guys!

Colin: Hey Stacy

Stacy: Its nice to see you guys again

Colin: And its nice to see you again.

Stacy: I need to get my make-up done

Colin: Oh alright, follow me to the make-up area.

(We walked away from Drew)

Colin: The last time I saw you, you were this tall. How old are you now?

Stacy: Im 18

Colin: Wow, its been nine years since I saw you

Stacy: Yup, its been so long

(We got to the make-up room. Ryan and Jeff were in there. I walked up to Ryan)

Ryan: Hey Stacy!

Stacy: Hi

(I started to get nervous, because I had a small crush on Jeff)

Ryan: Stacy, this is Jeff. Jeff, this is Stacy.

(We shook hands)

Stacy: Nice to meet you

Jeff: You too (He smiled)

(Jeff got up and left. I watched him walk out of the room)

Ryan: Uhh Stacy.... Stacy yoohoo... (He said waving hands infront of my face)

Stacy: That was Jeff Davis (I said all loving sounding)

Ryan: Lord. Let me guess, you"like" Jeff?

Stacy: Maybe (I looked over at Ryan)

~So is it good?Or bad? Sorry for the many (parentheses) And sorry for my "bad writing" im not good with writing stories, I just do them for fun~Emma

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