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I woke up early the next morning. Not only was I tired, but I was also feeling a little sick. I dont think it was a big deal, so I got a shower and gotdressed. Then I headed out the door. Jeff, Chip, and Jonathan were outside.

Jonathan: There she is. Soon to be Mrs. Davis.

I smiled and got into the car. We drove off to Dennys.

Stacy: Wow I havent eaten here in forever.

Jeff: Same here.

I was wanted to talk to my dad so bad about everything. I just didnt know what to say. We walked in and we found Brad and Greg.We sat with them. I was sitting across from Chip.

Stacy: Chip

Chip: Yeah?

I glanced over at Jonathan who was sitting next to Chip.

Stacy: Never mind. I forgot.

Chip: Oh ok. Its fine honey.

Everyone stared at Chip. Chip coughed and then burried his face into the menu. After the waitor took our orders and brought us our food, I has a little courage to talk to Chip.



Stacy; I....(I looked at Jonathanthen back at Chip) Iknow your my real told me...

Chip: Oh she did?

Stacy: Yeah... Its just... Why didnt you guys ever tell me?

Chip looked at Jeff, then back at me.

Chip: I dont really know. (Chip looked down at his plate)

I knew he was hiding something from me. I just couldnt get him to spill. I was then wondering if my mom would tell me. My stomach started hurting. But I ignored it. After we all ate we walked outside and got in our cars and left.

A week past and I was still having stomach aches.

Stacy(To Jeff): Why am I having these pains.... Is it because...? Nahhh it cant be.... Can it?

Jeff: I dont know...

I was scared at the moment. Jeff turned the car around and drove off to a near by drug store. After an hour we got back to his house. I went into the bathroom. After five minutes, I walked out of the bathroom.

Stacy: Jeff

Jeff stood up.

Stacy: Im pregnant...

Jeff kinda just stood there for a minute.

Stacy: Jeff... Honey... (I walked over to him)

Jeff: Uhh I think I need to sit...

Stacy: Ok (We both sat down)

Jeff was kinda stuttering.

Jeff: How did this happen??

Stacy: Well when two people are in love and they...

Jeff interupted me.

Jeff: I know that. I mean. Err I dont know what I mean. Its just...

Stacy: Unexpecting?

Jeff; Yeah I guess you can call it that... I mean its not a mistake or anything...

Stacy: I know Jeff. I know...

My early moods started kicking in. I actually started cryiong over nothing!

Jeff: Oh honey dont cry. (He held me) Shhh dont cry.

Stacy: I just dont know how tell mom, or dad, or even Ryan!

Jeff: Well I mean they cant be mad at you for this. We are going to get married in 3 months. You are 18.

Stacy: I know. Im still scared though.

Jeff paused for a moment. Kissed the top of my head. Then said:

Jeff: I want you to move in...

Stacy: You do?

Jeff: Yes. I love you. You are the mother of our baby. And the future Mrs. Davis. So why dont you move in?

Stacy: You sure

Jeff: Positive. (He smiled. Then kissed me) I love you.

Stacy: I love you too.

So Jeff and I sat and talked about me moving in. Then we both got up and left ty house. After we got to my house, we went in.

Stacy: Mom we need to talk to you...

Melissa: Ok.

We all sat down

Stacy: Mom.... (I looked at Jeff. He noded) Mom im pregnant.

My mom sat there in shock.

Stacy: Mom are you ok? Should I tell you the rest of the news?

Melissa: The rest? Oh please dont tell me its twins!

Stacy: No mom. I dont know that yet its too early. Mom Jeff also wants me to move in with him.

Melissa: Huh?

Stacy: Yeah. I mean me and him love each other and you know that. Remember? (I held up my hand)

Melissa: Oh yeah. Sorry. Well if you really want to move in with Jeff then I no reason to stop you. You're 18 gonna be 19 in a week, pregnant with his baby, and you two are going to get married in 3 months.

Stacy: Awww thank you mom. (To Jeff) Ok we need to get tons of boxes, bubble wrap and tape!

Jeff: Right

Stacy: Bye mom (I hugged her) We will be back soon.

Me and Jeff walk to his car.

Melissa picked up the phone and called Chip.

Chip: Hello?

Melissa(crying): Chip our baby is going to have a baby...

Chip went silent.

~So how many of you thought Stacy was sick? I bet all of you did. Come on admit it. :) well I hope this one was good. I feel that this chapter is too short.... Oh well...~Emma

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