Chapter5 Part2

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I was standing like a statue, still deciding on my answer. I love Jeff but I wasnt sure if I was ready to get married. The thought of it spun in my mind until I finally said...:


The crowed cheerd. I looked at them smiling. I turned to Ryan who looked a mixture of relieved and dissapointed. After Jeff put the ring on my finger we went on with the show. After the show was over Jeff kissed me on stage. I didnt mind everyone knowing that we loved each other. We went backstage. And Ryan slowly turned around facing me and Jeff.

Ryan: Why didnt you guys tell me that you were a "thing"

Jeff: You mean a couple?

Ryan: Yes! Stacy why didnt you tell me this? You could trust me.

Stacy: I know. Its just I didnt want you to think that it wasnt right and then spilt us up or something.

Ryan: I wouldnt ever do such a thing. If you two love each other, then you love each other.

Stacy: You're right... Im sorry I didnt tell you...

Ryan: Its ok. (He hugged me) Im happy for you two.

Stacy: Thanks

I was then thinking, about how my mom would react. Or how my dad would react, if I only know who he is. Ive never met my dad, my mom never talks about him. Something about myparents relationshipseemed odd... I looked over at Chip and Jonathan. Chip seemed to be forcing a smile. Jonathan was actually smiling. Jonathan walked up to me.

Jonathan:Congrats you guys. Cant wait till the wedding!

Stacy: Me either!

I looked back over at Chip who was now looking down. Then I thought that he liked me. Then I thought again, no thats not right...hes 40 and married. After everyone left, Jeff and I got into his car.

Jeff: Are you mad at me, you know for not telling you that I was going to tell everyone that we are in-love?

Stacy:No, of course not. Jeff I love you and I dont care who knows that.

He leaned in to kiss me. I held him back.

Stacy:But you could've at least told me about the proposal...

Jeff looked confused.

Stacy: Im joking!

Jeff: Oh right. (He laughed and then kissed me)

We drove off to my house. After I kissed Jeff goodbye, I ran inside. My mom was waiting for me on the couch.

Melissa: Honey come sit down, I need to tell you something about your father.

I was shocked about this, it was the most randomthingI have ever heard walking in the frontdoor. Well there was the time when my cousin pranked us by making the front door moo every timewe opened it...I walked over to the couch and sat down.

Stacy: Yeah? What about him?

Melissa: Well I know Ihave never told you about your dad. And I know that, that was a wrong thing to do... But the reason why I have never told you about your father is because... Your father is, Chip Esten...

My jaw litterally dropped to the floor.

Stacy:But hes married.

Melissa: Yeah I know. But this was 18 years ago. He wasnt married 18 years ago. We were dating then, we were young then. He was 22, and I was 19. I didnt like the fact that I was only 19 and pregnant. But that 9 months of pain, brought me a beautiful little girl.

Stacy(Whispering to herself): Then that must be why he looked upset.

Melissa: What?

Stacy: Ok mom, since you told me your seceret. Ill tekl you mine.... Me and Jeff are inlove. (I held up my hand)

Melissa: Oh my gosh. Thats a gorgeous ring.

Stacy: So your not mad?

Melissa: No. If you guys love each other then I cant stop you. Fate brought you two together. Just like fate brought me and Chip together and a wonderful daughter.

Stacy: Aw thanks mom. (I hugged her) Well I think im going to go to bed now. I got to get up early tomorrow. Im gonna have breakfast with Jeff, Jonathan,Brad, Greg, and Daddy. Night mom.

Melissa:Night sweetie.

~Ooooh Shocker, shocker. So is his good?Or bad? Or in the middle? And thank you all who read my story. Ill post part 3 later. I dont know when though...~Emma :D

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