Chapter4 Part3

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(Jonathan texted me saying: just follow me)

Stacy: Jonathan said to fllow him

Jeff: Ok (he started up the car and followed Jonathan. Summeryime by Yeah, Whatever, was playing on the radio. We arrived at the gerocery store, We all got out of our cars and walke in the gerocery store. They were playing Grenade by Bruno Mars)

Stacy:Oh my gosh Bruno Mars, I love him!

(Jeff started singing along to it)

Stacy: Wow Jeff I didnt know you knew this song.

Jeff: I dont

Stacy(Laughs) Ok then!

(I looked around and saw Brad)

Stacy:Hey Brad. What are you doing here?

Brad:Uhh gerocery shopping....

Stacy(Laughs): I knows

Brad: Im actually here with Sean

Stacy: Is this like an Improv cast hangout or something?

(Brad laughed)

Brad:So why didnt you talk to me last night?

Stacy: Jeff, Chip, and Jonathan were smuthering me...

Jeff:Thats so true!

(I slapped Jeff's chest)

Jeff(Rubbing his chest): Owww....

Stacy: Besides why didnt you talk to me?

Brad:I was waiting for you to talk first...

Stacy: oh....

(Sean walked over to us)

Stacy: Sean! Hey man!

Sean: Hey Stacy, wow your really good looking...

(Jeff coughed Sean looked at Jeff)

Jeff:Sorry I got a tickle in my throat

Stacy(I looked over at Jeff then at Sean) Thanks!

Sean: Your welcome (He smiled)

(I looked around....again. I saw Keanu Reeves!)

Stacy: Oh my gosh is that Keanu Reeves?!

(Everyone looked)

Jeff: Yup

(Keanu walked over to us)

Keanu: So I saw the show last night, you guys were great, especially you Stacy.

Stacy: Why thank you

Keanu: You're welcome (He smiled) Well I got to go finish shopping. Bye!

Stacy: See you Keanu!

(Keanu turned around and waved)

Stacy(To Jeff): I dont know why you make fun of him, hes really nice!

Jeff: And dumb...

Stacy(Rolls eyes) You're so mean! (Laughs)

Jeff(Smiles):I know I am

Stacy:Alright Jonathan, what do you need to buy? Jeff and I will go get it.

Jonathan: Could you guys get the bread, cheese, grape juice, bandaids, and chicken noodle soup?

Jeff: Sure!

Stacy: Bandaids?

Jonathan: Yeah, im a father of two sons and trust me, theres A LOT of booboo's....

Stacy: Right

(Me and Jeff walked away, while Chip and Jonathan went the other way. After 15 minutes we met up with Jonathan and Chip at the register. Then I heard the most familiar voice, it sounded like...)

Stacy: Greg!

Greg: Hey Stacy, hey... y'all

Jeff: Y'all?

Greg: Yeah like yeehaw im a country dude!

Jeff(laughs): Ok then!

Stacy: This is the Improv cast hang-out I swear!

Greg: Yeah I just saw Sean and Brad leaving, and... y'all are here... So Stacy, are you coming to the show tonight?

Stacy: Yup! (I smiled)

Greg: Cool!Well see y'all later


(Greg walked away)

Jeff; Wow he said y'all a lot...

Stacy(Laughs): Tell me about it

Jeff: I just did...

(After Jonathan paid for his stuff we walked out to his car)

Chip: We should do our "Famous Vegas drive"

Stacy:Whats that?

Jonathan: Its where we ride in Jeff's convertable, blasting music, and singing really loud along to .

Stacy: Oh ok.... Lets do it!

~So what do "y'all" think? xP ill type up the rest tomorrow

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