Chapter4 Part2

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Jeff: I know I havent know you for a while but, I like you Stacy, I like you a lot.

(I got a million goose pimples all over my body)

Stacy: Really?!

(Jeff nods)

Stacy: Well I like you too, I mean your hot and sweet, and funny.

Jeff: Thanks.... Im probablly too old for you though, your 18

Stacy: And your 30, thats only a 12 year difference. My parents are 40 and 50, thats a 10 year difference, it doesnt matter to me. Age is but a number.

Jeff: Your right! Screw what people say! If I love you then darnit I love you!

(We pulled into thexor parking lot)

Stacy: Wow that was a quick ride...

Jeff: But lets keep this a secret, for a little while. I mean not too long.

Stacy: Ok, agreed!

(Ryan and Melissa pull up next to us, then on the other side Jonathan and Chip pull up. We all got out of our cars)

Stacy: Wow ive never been here either

Jonathan: Sounds like someone needs to get out more!

Stacy: You got that right!

(We walked into the Luxor and I saw Carrot Top just standing in the middle of the lobby)

Stacy: Hey Carrot Top!

Carrot Top: Hey Stacy!

Stacy: So I heard that you saw the show last night. Thats pretty awesome!

Carrot Top: Yeah you were great, for you only being 18

(I thought: Why is it such a shock to people that im only 18 and doing improv?)

Stacy: Thanks

Carrot Top: Your welcome

(Jeff walks upnext to Stacy)

Carrot Top: Hey Jeff, whatsup man?

Jeff: Not much, a little this a little that.

Carrot Top: Oh cool, that sounds very exciting...

Jeff: Uhuh

Stacy: Be right back, I got to waz

Jeff: Ok TMI!!

(Stacy walks away, then he run into Criss Angel)

Stacy: Woahh, your Criss Angel!

Criss: Indeed I am, and you are?

Stacy: Stacy Stiles

Criss: Stiles as in Ryan Stiles?

Stacy: Yeah im his niece

Criss: Oh cool

Stacy: Hey ive always wanted to know if you could levitate me?

Criss: Sure

Stacy: Well can you do it after I use the bathroom? I REALLY need to go...

Criss: Yeah sure, im gonna be over by Carrot Top

Stacy: Ok

(Stacy runs into the bathroom. 2 minutes later, Stacy walks over to where everyone was at)

Criss: Are you ready?

Stacy: Yeah!

(Criss starts levitating me)

Jeff (To Chip and Jonathan): I thought he was a fake!

Chip: Apparently not, if hes levitating Stacy...

(Criss slowly brings Stacy to he floor)

Stacy: Wow that was awesome!

Criss: Thanks

Stacy: Can I have your and Carrot Top's autographs?

Criss: Yeah sure

(They both gave me their autographs)

Stacy: Sweet, thanks!

Carrot Top: Do you want some pictures too?

Stacy: Sure!

(We took pictures together. Then Carrot Top and Criss Angel walked off)

Stacy: Bye guys!

(They both waved)

Stacy: What to do now? Its uh 2:26?

Jonathan: Well I got to get geroceries or the wife will kill me

Jeff: We'll help you!


(We all got in our cars and droveto the gerocery store)

~SHOPPING!!! GEROCERY SHOPPING THAT IS ;)sorry if I spell anything wrong, like I said before im not good at spelling and ect and stuff.~Emma

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