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Colin started singing.

I leaned towards Ryan

Stacy: So, you're cool with being Columbia?

Ryan: Yeah I guess so. Since its for the fans.

Stacy: I dont know what im oging to do...

Ryan: What do you mean?

Stacy: When I sing, I sound like a cat getting run over by a truck, then thrown into a garbage disposal...

Ryan: Oh, I dont think your that bad.

Stacy: Have you heard me sing?

Ryan: No

Stacy: Well then you dont know.

After we did the Time Warp scene, I walked back stage with Jeff.

Drew: You guys ready to practice the Dammit Janet scene?

Stacy: Yeah. Quick question.

Drew: yeah?

Stacy: Why are we doing the scenes out of order?

Drew: I dont know.

Stacy: Okay then.

Jeff and I walked to the stage.

Drew: You guys ready?!

Stacy: yeah!

Drew started playing Dammit Janet.

Jeff(Holding the paper): Hey Janet.

Stacy: Yes Brad?

Jeff: I really love the..... skillful way........ you beat the other the brides bouque

Stacy: Oh Brad.

Jeff(Singing): The river was deep, but I swam it. The future is ours, so lets plan it.

So please don't tell me to can it. I've one thing to say and that's, Dammit, Janet, I love you...!

After we did the Dammit Janet scene. It was time for the Touch-a Touch-a Touch-a Touch me scene. I was nervous to even practice this song...

Sean and I took our places on the stage. I started singing.

Stacy: I was feeling done in. Couldn't win. I'd only ever kissed before

Ryan: You mean she?

Greg: Uh huh.

(I dont want to get into too much detail)

After we were done practicing everything, we went to eat in the break room that was backstage.

Stacy: So, Jonathan, how was it? Singing, Sweet Transvestite?

Jonathan: I felt awkward.

I laughed.

Stacy: Its okay. You were good. And you will be good. Frank'N'Furter is a very sexy man.

Jonathan smiled.

I was getting bored, so I picked up a grape and threw it at Greg.

Greg: What was that for?

Stacy: I dont know.

Greg threw it at Ryan. Ryan picked it up and threw it at Brad. Brad then threw it back at me. I threw it at Jonathan. It landed in his drink.

Jonathan: Dude!

I laughed

Stacy: Sorry Jonathan!

He got it out of his drink and attempted to throw it at me. It ended up hitting Jeff in the face.

Jeff: Yo! Thats my face!

I laughed again.

Stacy: So, Greg, where are we going to do the autograph thingy?

Greg: Here

Stacy: Here?

Greg: Yeah

Stacy: In the break room?

Greg laughed.

Greg: No, I mean here as in the MGM Hotel here.

Stacy: I know, I was being smart.

Greg: Smart ass!

Stacy: Shuddup. (I smiled)

Just then there was a knock on the door. I turned around to see Steven Tyler standing there. STEVEN TYLER!!!!! My jaw dropped. I got up and walked over to him.

Stacy: Its really you!

Steven: Yes, its really me.

Stacy: How? (I looked at Jeff)

Steven: Well I was in town. And Drew told me that you wanted to meet me. And im a fan, so I decided to come here to meet you.

Stacy: Drew told you?

Drew: Yeah, Jeff told me how much of a fan you are of Aerosmith and how you wanted to meet them so badly.

Steven: And I got a surprise for you. (He waved down the hall)

Just then the rest of the guys from AEROSMITH walked in. My jaw dropped so far, I think it reached the other side of the world.

Stacy: Oh, my, god...!

Joe: Stacy, im a huge fan, and its nice to meet you.

Stacy: You're a fan too?!

Joe: We're all fans.

I had a huge smile on my face.

Stacy: Oh, my, god. My life is made!

Joe smiled.

Stacy: So, how long are you guys going to be here?

Steven: Well, we're going to come see the Rocky Horror show.

Stacy(Smiling): Really?!

Steven: Yeah, and who are you playing? Janet?

I nodded.

Steven: Well lets see you sing something.

Stacy: Okay, Jeff, Ryan, Sean. can you help me sing Rose Tint my world?

They got up.

We sang the song.

Steven: Wow, I cant wait to see the show.

I smiled.

~AEROSMITH! Yes! Finally! Oh, how I love Aerosmith. Haha. I HAD to add Aerosmith into my story somewhere. I mean, its AEROSMITH! :D ~Emma

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