Chapter 2

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(After I got my make-up done Ryan and I walked to the back stage area. Everyone was there, only because the show was going to be an hour long. We had 10 minutes before the show started, Wayne Brady walked up to me)

Wayne: Hey Stacy, its nice to see you, again

Stacy: Nice to see you again Wayne

Wayne: Well I hope you have fun out there, since its your first time

Stacy: I will

(Wayne smiled)

Stacy(To Ryan): So how did you get me on the show?

Ran: I just asked Drew and he said that it would be awesome to have you on the show.

Stacy: Oh cool. Thanks Drew! (I yelled at Drew who was by enternce)

Man: Five more minutes till show time

Stacy: Ahhh im nervous!!!

Ryan: Dont be, you'll do fine

Stacy: Thanks for the pep talk, but im still nervous!

Man: Three more minutes!

(Jeff moved next to me)

Jeff: Hi again

Stacy: Hey

Jeff: You seem nervous.

Stacy: I am...

Jeff: You'll be ok. If you screw up ill screw up for you. (He smiled)

(There was something about his smile that made me warm inside. I smiled back)

Man: One more mintue!!!

(My stomach started to twist in knots)

Stacy: Jeff

Jeff: Yeah?

Stacy: Do you ever get nervous before a show?

Jeff: Yeah I do alot.

Man: Show time!!!

Man2 Welcome to Drew Carey's Improv-A-Ganza!

~Well theres the second part. I hope y'all like it. Im skipping the Improv part because well its IMPROV not written~Emma

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