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The next day Jeff and I were at a pet store. Well cause Jeff wanted a pet... I saw Greg there.

Stacy:Hey Greg.. Weird place t o see you...

Greg:I like to pet the kittens.

I looked at him like WTF MAN?!?

Greg:Im joking! I had to get more dog food for my dog...

Stacy:Oh ok I thought you were crazy for a second. Ok so well instead of doing improv next show we are doing Rocky Horror...

Greg:Oh I absolutly love Rocky Horror. Who am I going to be?

Stacy:You're (I giggled) you're Magenta

Greg stood in shock.

Greg:Im who?


Greg:Ok why the hell did that basta..

Stacy:Ok before you finish that sentence, let me speak. It wasnt Drew who made everybody who, it was GSN.

Greg:GSN has been giving Improv-A-Ganza a lot of problems lately. They keep threatening to cancell us. Since you came along they haventtreatened us.

Stacy:At all?

Greg:Nope. So you sorta saved the show. People really love you. You have a lot of fans. And im not surprised if you have more fans then the rest of the improv guys.

Stacy:Really? I mean im not all that good.

Greg:Oh no you're not. Your amazing. Keanu Reeves said so himself. Same with Carrot Top! And Carrot Top is never wrong.

Stacy:Well I dont think im alyou gys have been doing improv for years. Ive been doing it for a few weeks.

Greg:Its in your blood though.

Stacy:Saying stuff off the top of my head is in my blood?

Greg:I guess so. I mean Chip is your father, and Ryan is your uncle.

Stacy:Yeah thats true.

Greg:Well even though you say your not good. I think your good. Jeff thinks your good...

I looked at Jeff, he smiled.

Greg:And so does all of the improv guys and your fans. Tell you what. Ill proove to you that you have a lot of fans.


Greg:We will advertise you signing autographs the day after the Rocky Horror show. And we will see how many people show up.


Greg:Well I got to go. Ill see you guys later.

Greg walked off. I turned to Jeff.

Jeff:You know all he said was true.

Stacy:I just cant believe it...

Jeff:Come on lets go look at the dogs.

Even though im not a huge fan of dogs, I followed Jeff.

Jeff:Aww these dogs are sooooo cute.

I just stared at Jeff. I thought "Wow ive never seen this side of Jeff before..."

Stacy:Yeah I guess they are...

Jeff:Im taking that you dont like dogs so much?

Stacy:No not real. But I want to make you happy.

Jeff:Baby just me being with you makes me the happiest man alive.

I smiled, Jeff kissed me. I heard a group of people go "Awwwwwww" Jeff andI looked at them smiling

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