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We all piled into Jeff's car. Jeff turned on the radio, Last Friday Night was playing. We were singing along with it really loud. I looked to my left to see a teenage boy staring at us like "WTF is your guys' problems?" After 30 mintues we got to Jonathan's house.

Stacy:Wow nice place!


We walked into his house. We were greeted at the door by his one son who was 6.


Jonathan:Hi son (He hugged his son)

Stacy:Awww your son is so adorable.

We walked into the kitched and we started putting the gerocerys away. Jonathan's wife walked in.

Jonathan:Hey honey


Jonathan kissed her. I looked over at Jeff, he smiled at me.

Leah(to me): You must be Stacy, nice to meet you.

Stacy:Nice to meet you too

Jonathan:Well we all got to go, we got to get ready for the show thats in a few hours, bye honey. Bye Matt. (Yelling) Bye Nick!

Nick was Jonathan;s other kid who was 8. He came running in.

Nick:Bye Daddy! (He hugged Jonathan)

Jonathan:Ill be back in a few hours

We walked outside to Jeff's car. And drove to the MGM Hotel. We hung around backstage for the remaining hour. After we went on stage, Jeff said something surprising.

Jeff: Ok most of you know Stacy, most of you dont. She is not only Ryan Stiles' niece, but she is my love. I love Stacy, I love her a lot. And id do anything for her. (He got down on one knee) Stacy would you marry me?

(There was a million thoughts ning through me mind. "Should I say yes?" "I barley know Jeff." "We've only dated for a few hours" "Where the hell did he get that ring?!?" I kept thinking and thinking. I looked at everyone who was sitting on the edge of their seats, even Ryan was on the edge of his seat.)

~So what do you think Stacy would say? Do you think that what ever she decides would be a mistake? Or not? Read my part 2 of "part" (Chapter) 5 TOMORROW to find out. Sorry I could'nt type it now, got to get to bed cause I have school tomorrow. And I hope y'all like my story and keep reading it :) Byeeeee~Emma (Stacy) ;)

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