Prologue: The Number One Rule

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Unknown Pov 2 Months Later
Number One twirled his baseball bat in one hand and sucked his teeth. "Three of you. I upheld my end of the deal and how was I repaid? With treachery. With deceit. With jokes that weren't funny. And you even decided that killing those guys, my friends, was okay. Well, let me tell you all something, it's not okay. Here is the NUMBER ONE RULE. Pun fully intended. Don't FUCK with me! I'm not the kind and forgiving type. And because of that, you will receive a harsh punishment. For each life you took, I will take the same from your group." His voice was modified as he glanced at Amy and our group before him. "And for my first kill of revenge.....". He twirled in a slight circle and held his baseball bat out in front of my face. "I choose you." I stared back at him in shock as I began sweating. He swung the bat into my head for the first blow and laughed. "They should call me bat-man."  

Author's Note- Starting off the Season with a bang. Number One is pretty fun to write and I think he's honestly a great way to start the season off. Now, for anyone wondering, this season will be 5 episodes as well. Just like the last one. I have a bunch more twists and turns that I can't wait to show you guys. So nobody gets confused, yes, this scene is from later in the book. But it will be altered when the actual scene happens so people won't be able to guess who our unlucky victim of Number One's beating is. I hope everyone has a wonderful time reading.

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