Chapter 21

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"Hey Tom do you know what this next gym is like type worthy?" asked Matthew "umm yes its a Water gym I believe?" replied Tom "Oh my Favourite Water type is Popplio!" said Lily "Oh wait I have one LOL I totally forgot" "Here we are the next route were so close to Niddrie Town" Said Acerola "I don't know why but I'm now looking forward to Matthews gyms more as we progress through them" said Lily "Yeah same" said Tom "I kind of feel that way too" Said Matthew "I think my best gym battle was either Will or you Lily" "Yeah Wills battle had me of my seat" said Tom and Lily "Woah it must have been good" said Acerola. Then it began to bucket rain "Lets get to some shelter" said Acerola "Yeah lets go to that house and see if anyone is home" said Lily. Then Matthew and his friends rushed to the house which had a sheltered entrance.

'Knock Knock Knock' "Hello anyone there?" asked Matthew. Then the door opened and there was an old Lady "why hello....oh you look soaked come in come in" she said "here are some towels to dry off "ok Thanks" said Tom and shivers went down his spine "Do you want some dinner?" asked The lady "oh yes please" they said "ok follow me" she said and she took Matthew, Acerola, Lily and Tom into her dinning room "oh fancy" said Acerola. Shivers went down Toms spine

"oh yum that dinner was delicious " said Matthew "why thank also I'm Mary" said the lady "Hello Mary I'm Matthew and these are my friends Lily, Tom and Acerola." "Oh hello everyone now ill show you to your rooms". Then they followed Mary up the stairs and showed the rooms "ok girls in here on the left and boys on the right" Mary said "Ill be downstairs if you need me" "ok bye" said Acerola and Mary went down the stairs. "Omg guys I have a bad feeling about this place" said Tom "Why?" replied Lily "Isn't it creepy how when we come in and Mary greets us and has exactly 4 towels right at her door like she knew we were coming" said Tom. Then Lily, Matthew and Acerola look at each other and got a bit scared "And how when we walked into her dining room and there were enough chairs, cutlery and plates for everyone" added Tom. Then shivers went down their spines "Ahh lets go tell Mary were leaving" said Matthew then they all went down stairs to tell the news.

"Ahhh" screamed Acerola then Matthew lily and tom turn around and Acerola is gone "Ah guys were is Acerola?" said Lily "Umm lets go back up stairs" said Tom then they rushed up stairs with no regrets and then Matthew went around the corner and then "AHHH" screamed Matthew "oh no" said Tom then Tom and Lily then they run and turn the corner and Matthew is gone "Umm ok then" said Tom really scared. Then Lily fell down a trap hole "AHHH" she screamed and fell down into a black abyss "oh trap doors ok so Matthew, Acerola and Lily fell down a trap hole ok then" he says "well to the basement" then shivers went down his spine "go Blaziken" said Tom and out came Blaziken can you stand by my side I'm really scared and you will fight Monsters away" said Tom with his legs shaking. Then him and Blaziken went down the stairs and into the basement.   

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