Chapter 28

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'YAWN ' "Ok everyone wake up!" Said Matthew. Everyone slowly got up "I set up Breakfast for everyone!" said Tom "Even the pokemon" "Thanks Tom your the best!" everyone cheered "Alright come on out everyone" cheered Matthew he through his pokeballs in the air and out came Dandan, Juplo, Sheb, Greninja, Hawlucha and Vaporeon and Omanyte woke up too and went over to the other pokemon. "Ok great idea come on out" said Lily repeating the process and out came  Umbreon, Jumper, Pikachu, Popplio and Togedemaru and Dictionpede floated out of Lily's Bag "Ok everyone come out" said Tom and out came Blaziken, Gengar, Haxorus, Gardevoir, Kowolo and Bagon "Alright last but not least come on out" said Acerola and out came Mimikyu, Sableye, Drifblim, Dhelmise, Froslass and Palossand. All the pokemon cheered."Acerola are those anchor and Sandcastle Ghost pokemon in Alola?" asked Lily "Correct" said Acerola. Lily and Matthew pull out their pokedex's.

"Dhelmise the Sea Creeper Pokémon,The soul of seaweed adrift in the waves became reborn as this Pokémon. It maintains itself with new infusions of seabed detritus and seaweed" said Lily's Dexter "Palossand the Sand Castle Pokémon Possessed people controlled by this Pokémon transformed its sand mound into a castle. As it evolved, its power to curse grew ever stronger" said Matthew's Dexter. "Alrighty then" said Matthew backing away from Palossand and going to the table. After tom filled the 25 bowls with Pokefood he came to the table and said "Lets Dig in!"

"Oh I'm so full" said Acerola "Oh that was 10/10 food Tom" said Lily "How do you know how to cook so good?" asked Matthew "Yeah what's your secret?" "A magician never tells its secret" said Tom "Ha ha ha" they laughed not knowing what's happening over by the Pokémon some one or something was taking food from them. "Pika!" cried Pikachu "Pika Pikachu" said Pikachu. Pikachu was having a go at Kowolo thinking Kowolo stole its food "Kowo?" said Kowolo "Pikachu" cried Pikachu he zapped Kowolo "Kowolo" Kowolo shot razor leaf at Pikachu "knock it out you guys" said Matthew then they all rushed over to the Pokémon. "stop fighting" said Lily grabbing her Pikachu and holding it. Dictionpede turned and looked at Matthew "uh oh" said Matthew then Matthew's eye's started glowing "Hello I'm back!" moaned Matthew "So what's wrong Dictionpede?" asked Acerola "Well you see Pikachu lost a lot of its food and its blaming it on Kowolo" moaned Matthew "Oh ok then" said Tom. Matthews eye's stopped glowing "Argh Dictionpede don't possess me!" growled Matthew "Hey hey hey if its important I think Dictionpede should use you to talk to us" said Lily "Hey remember its MY BODY" said Matthew "Mine Mine Mine! go possess someone else like Acerola" said Matthew 'Hey!" growled Acerola "Look that doesn't matter we need to know who is taking the food" said Tom then they turn and look at the food.

"Celebi" said Celebi stealing food from Driftblim's bowl "Hey that's not nice put that back" said Acerola "Go Pokeball" "Huh?" said Matthew they turn and see Lily throw a pokeball at Celebi wee woo wee woo boom! "Wha you you you..." "I just caught a Celebi!" cheered Lily "Celebi is a Mythical Pokémon!" said Tom "I know pretty awesome huh?" said Lily "Well who are you gonna replace?" asked Matthew "Hey remember Dictionpede doesn't have a pokeball so its in my team" said Lily "Speaking of Dictinopede hey I cant carry you anymore so can you replace Togedemaru's pokeball?" asked Lily. Dictionpede nodded yes and Everyone returned they pokemon and Lily returned Dictionpede "Ok Togedemaru your coming along for the ride!" said Lily "Toge Toge" cheered Togedemaru. Then Matthew and the gang packed up everything and headed off to Melton Town.



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