Chapter 36

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"Black or Brown?" Said Matthew, "Hmm I fell like the black will be dark or dragon and the brown will be rock or ground and you have a Greninja which will be super effective" said Tom. "Ok let's go into the Brown door" said Matthew. They all walked into the the Brown door and inside was a massive underground maze with tunnels and pits with lots and lots of Ground Pokemon Everywhere especially Diglett and Dugtrio. There was also a man facing the wall like the last two. he was wearing a mining outfit with the hat and leaning on a pic axe. He turned around "Welcome ya'll to the Underground chamber I'm Kye and I specialise in Ground type Pokemon" he said with a funny accent in his voice. "I'm here to challenge you!" Said Matthew. "Well sure thing. Ya'll better get ready for a showdown that ends in me winning" he responded.

They went to the field and the other 4 took a seat. "Go Greninja!" Cried Matthew. He through out his Greninja onto the field. "Wow great choice Matthew!" Cheered Tom. "Why?" Asked Lily, "Ground type Pokemon have a lot of types that are super effective against it" said Max "And Water is one of them" said Tom. "Oh ok. Go Matthew!" Cheered Lily. "Alrighty then fine choice young man but how about my Marowak!" Kye cried as he through out his pokeball and a Marowak came out, "Woah it looks strong! Be careful Greninja!" Matthew called to Greninja. Greninja turned his head back to Matthew and nodded. Matthew nodded back. "Greninja use Double Team!" Cried Matthew. Greninja made clones of Greninjas Filling almost the whole field to its corners "woah there must be like 100! Greninjas" said Ronan amazed at all the Greninjas on the field. "One of my favourite Pokemon I can't get enough of... Greninja use Quick Attack" Matthew said. Then all Greninjas from every direction were about to slash at Marowak. "Marowak use a Dig if you please!" Said Kye. Marowak quickly dashed under ground making the attacks from the Greninjas useless.

"Woah it's Fast!" Matthew said. "Stay on guard Greninja" Matthew called. Then all the Greninjas got on the ground and sensed where the Marowak was. "Marowak High jump kick!" Said Kye. Then Marowak jumped up and got rid of a Greninja clone and through its bone getting rid of more. "Greninja!" Matthew called. The Greninjas turned and looked at Matthew and they both nodded at eachother. "wow! Matthew can communicate with his Greninja just with a simple nod?! That's true friendship!" Said Tom. Greninja then made more clones in replace of the ones Marowak destroyed. "What the?!" Cried Kye. Marowak looked scared and worried. "Greninja you know what to do!" Cried Matthew. Then all the Greninjas jumped up in the air and Shot Water Shurikens at Marowk. Dust off the ground  went everywhere from the Water Shurikens hitting the ground. The dust cleared and all the Greninjas were still standing but not Marowak.

"Oh no Marowak! Oh well return" said Kye as he returned Marowak to its ball. "Go Dugtrio!" Cried Kye. "Greninja go!" Said Matthew. Then all The Greninjas were doing quick attack "what! Matthew only said Go and they know what to do?" Said Ronan confused. "Dugtrio use Earthquake" cried Kye. The Dugtrio made the whole ground break and bump up and down eliminating all the Greninja clones. "Woah! Greninja use Surf!" Cried Matthew. Greninja then jumped up and water came out from the bottom of him and shot out filling the field with water and damaging the Dugtrio. "Dugtrio use Slash!" Cried Kye. "Night slash Greninja!" cried Matthew. then both Pokemon go up to slash and they do. "Oh no! What happened?!" cried Lily. both pokemon fell to the ground and fainted.

"Greninja was puffed out and fainted and Dugtrio was hurt to much it fainted!" explained Tom to Ronan. Matthew returned his Greninja and Kye returned his Dugtrio. "Good work out there Greninja" Matthew said. "Go Golem!" cried Kye. Kye through his ball and out came a boulder like pokemon. "Go Vaporeon!' cried Matthew. "Good choice! another water type!" called out Max from the bleachers. Matthew turned around and did a thumbs up."Vaporeon use Water Pulse!" Matthew cried. Vaporeon dashed around a shot the water pulse directly at the Golem. "Golem use Gyro ball" said Kye. Then Golem went into a ball and started rolling around. it rolled into vaporeon again.... and again and again. Vaporeon smashed into the ground. "Quick Vaporeon get up!" cried Matthew. Vaporeon struggled but when it got up it Golem ran it over. "Thats it.... Vaporeon use Surf!" cried Matthew. but then Vaporeon used Hydro pump. "Woah Vaporeon learned a new move!" said Ronan in amazement. The water was so powerful it knocked out Golem on one shot! golem fainted on the ground. "Wow all ya'll pokemon are sooo strong!"said Kye with his accent. "Thanks yours are too" said Matthew.

Matthew smiled at Vaporeon. "Yay go Matthew!" they cheered from the side. "Alrighty then go Rhydon!" "Vaporeon Hydro Pump!" said Matthew. Vaporeon jumped up and Hydro pumped at Rhydon. "oh no! ya'll Vaporeon is a higher level them my Rhydon!" complained Kye. and with a single sweep Rhydon fainted. "Return Rhydon" said Kye as he returned his Rhydon to its ball. Then everyone walked over too the door. "I Thank ya'll for coming i had one heck of time versing you Matthew" said Kye. "Thanks me too!" said Matthew. "See ya'll later" said Kye. "See ya!" they all said and they walked back into the main hub. "Matthew how did you communicate with your Greninja like that?" asked Tom. "It was weird.... i could hear Greninja thoughts and he could hear mine so we were talking to eachother" said Matthew. "You could hear Greninjas thoughts! and it was in english!" said Lily in amazment "Yea in english!" said Matthew. "Hmm interesting..." said Ronan.

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