Frozen Flame: Chapter 3

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Redtail's mind was calm and quiet. Nothing at all like it's usual state. Normally, it was filled with anxiety, fear, and judgment. She wasn't a mean dragon. She didn't think about death or ever wish she could tear a dragon to shreds with her talons- most of the time. She was just different.

'Different' meaning dangerous and unpredictable, able to destroy at any moment. At least, that's what she thought. According to her, everyone was secretly terrified of her, the mutant SkyWing who killed others of her kind and trailed death and destruction. She could never stop thinking about what she had done. After the SandWing, who's name she had forgotten, had poked her with the needle, she fell into a deep sleep. She didn't know how long her mind was quiet and dark, but before she woke up, her dreams were back, and they were worse than ever.

She found herself hovering in the air, high above the Claws of the Clouds mountains, surrounded by dragons. Fear pierced her heart as she saw their faces- all of them were blackened and dry with frostbreath. She saw some IceWings- but soon their horns began to crack and snap off, making them unrecognizable. There were SeaWings, but a blackness was creeping up their necks and into their gills as they weighed in pain. And worst of all, there were SkyWings. Dozens of SkyWings, screaming in pain as ice crept up their arms and into their neck. One by one, their front limbs snapped off, tumbling towards the ground. Those that still had eyes and arms pointed at her and shrieked. Slowly, they all went silent, each dragon's wings shattering in slow motion along with the rest of their bodies. Redtail looked up to see one last dragon- a huge red male with frostbreath all along one side of his upper body. General Dominance.

"MURDERER!" He shouted, before shattering into a thousand pieces.

Redtail began to hyperventilate, her wing beats becoming uneven and hash. She could feel the cold, terrifying sensation of ice rising towards her about. She began coughing, attempting to force the ice back down.

'No... NO!'

She snapped awake, jumping so high she fell off whatever surface she had been lying on and onto the dusty floor. She was breathing hard, and her throat was scratchy. Redtail lifted her class to find that they were trembling. She slumped against a sandstone wall behind her and sighed.

"What in three moons was that?"

She opened her sky-blue eyes to see a NightWing and a purple RainWing leaning over her. The NightWing looked genuinely concerned, but the RainWing seemed on edge. She stood a few steps away, frowning.

'Oh... Right. Starcaller and Harpy. Talons and tails, what happened?' Redtail wondered.

"What were you doing? You looked like you were being chased by monster or something," said Harpy. The scales behind her ruff began to pale.

Redtail winced when she heard 'monster'. Too many times had she been given that title. She rubbed her head and stood up. Although the other two dragons looked to be about the same age as her, Redtail was almost a head taller than both of them.

"I'm... Fine," she said. "Just a dream."

"OK... Maybe you should sit for a few minutes- you fell pretty hard," Starcaller said, brushing his wing against hers.

"No. I'm alright," she replied. Suddenly, she remembered the huge SandWings and the prison. "Where are we? What happened?"

"No idea," said Harpy. "As far as we've figured, we were trapped once again and sent to yet another dusty old room full of dusty old SandWings."

Redtail looked around. The room was bigger than their other cell, and windows let in large patches of sunlight. Redtail flew up to one to discover that it was far too small for a dragon of her size to fit through. She peered out, taking in her surroundings. She could see hills and grassy plains, dotted with patches of sand and boulders. Far to the west, she could see the ocean. Although her eyesight wasn't as good as other SkyWing's, she thought she could glimpse snow-topped mountains far away to the north.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2017 ⏰

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