He Ruins Everything

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It was Chloe and Adrien's 9th month anniversary; and to celebrate they decided to go on a date. Adrien planned it this time and made sure everything was perfect. He had reserved a table at a fancy restaurant and even made sure the park was empty so that they could enjoy a nice, quiet walk in the park. He was so excited, after all he was 20 years old and couldn't wait to walk down the aisle with the love of his life; which is exactly why he had bought an engagement ring.

 He was so excited, after all he was 20 years old and couldn't wait to walk down the aisle with the love of his life; which is exactly why he had bought an engagement ring

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It was a fancy 2.50 carat canary-yellow, round diamond, lotus flower engagement ring. Adrien had a blue box that had the name 'Chloe' written in perfect, silver calligraphy especially for her to make this the best proposal ever.

Adrien changed into his Limited Edition Versace suit (something most men couldn't afford) and gelled back his hair to make him look slightly more sophisticated. (Can you get anymore sophisticated? You're wearing Versace!!) A limo arrived at the front of his mansion and he walked out and into it. After telling the driver were he wanted to go he arrived in front of Le Grand Palais Hotel. Standing out the front was Chloe Bourgeois wearing a yellow dress that had a silver top part. In her hand was a silver clutch purse. Her hair was in an elegant bun and she had caked her face up with makeup. Sitting on her head was a small tiara that she wore every time she and Adrien had a date.

 Sitting on her head was a small tiara that she wore every time she and Adrien had a date

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"Good evening, Chloe. You look great.. Fabulous actually.. Uh shall we go?" He was rather nervous for tonight. She giggled "We shall!" She hooked her arm with his and they walked towards the limo. They sat in silence; Chloe had enough of the silence so she turned his head and kissed him on the lips while wrapping her arms around his neck, he returned the kiss and wrapped his arms around her waist. Then the horror started; they were full on making out.
They arrived at the fancy restaurant looking slightly disheveled, a waitress sat the at their table and left them. "Ugh... The fans are ruining my hair! Adrikins, be darling and ask them to turn the fans off!" She whined. Adrien obeyed and summoned a waiter to their table "Excuse me, my fianc- er I mean girlfriend would appreciate it if you turned off your fans." He explained. The waiter nodded and turned them off.
After dinner Adrien took ahold off Chloe's hand a lead her to the park, it was decorated with fairy lights and was completely isolated. They walked around for 20 minutes and then Adrien stopped, pulled something out of his pocket and got down on one knee he said,"Chloe, we have been together for nine months and in all honesty I can't wait to call you my wife; so I'm asking you if you'll stand by me and marry me?" His eyes shone as he said this and Chloe was in awe. "Yes! Yes! Yes! I will marry you!" She screamed. Adrien slipped the ring on her finger, lifted her and spun her around. Then his phone started to ring, he pulled it out and saw it was his father calling. "Yes?" Adrien asked in an agitated tone. "Adrien you have to come home now!" His father said from the other side, Adrien only nodded and hung up. "Who was that?" Chloe asked, not happy at all. "My father, he ruins everything!" Adrien mumbled the last part.

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